Press release -

Scout24 announces Martin Waeber as new COO

Martin Waeber moves to the newly created role of Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Scout24 Schweiz AG. Waeber, the current Managing Director at ImmoScout24, will fill the new role of COO at Scout24 Schweiz AG effective from 1st June 2021.

The move forms part of a re-organisation of the corporate governance structure at Scout24.

The COO will be responsible for the operational management of several platforms and shared functions, including the 'real estate ecosystem', and will report directly to the CEO.

The move is aligned with Scout24's growth strategy and allows Managing Directors of all business units (AutoScout24, ImmoScout24, FinanceScout24, and Scout24Advertising) to better focus on their respective platforms and businesses.

The search is now underway for a new Managing Director for ImmoScout24.

Gilles Despas, CEO of Scout24 Schweiz AG, said: "Following the successful development of Immoscout24 over the last seven years and his in-depth knowledge of marketplaces, Martin is an excellent fit for the new COO role, and I am really looking forward to us working together in this capacity. His support will allow me to concentrate more on group-wide strategy rather than tactical details and will go a long way to meeting our ambitious growth strategy at Scout24".

Waeber, a Business Economist (BA) and Executive Master of Communications Management, also attended an Executive Programme at IMD Lausanne and held various management positions at Credit Suisse, TCS and eny Finance before joining Scout24.

He is equally excited about the new structure and said: "I am extremely keen to get started in my new role. As COO, I will be able to play an even more significant role at Group level and support our management team to achieve our ambitious strategy and product innovation goals".


  • Science, technology

Scout24 Schweiz AG ( is the leading Swiss network of online marketplaces and is one of the largest Internet companies in Switzerland. As a partner for life decisions, Scout24 includes platforms from the fields of vehicles (, real estate (, small advertisements (, and financial and insurance topics ( The company is owned by Ringier AG (50%) and the Swiss insurance group die Mobiliar (50%).


Daniel de Carvalho

Press contact Group Director Corporate Communications +41 31 744 12 42