Christmas and New Year's holiday cards  - this year in real-time 3D

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Christmas and New Year's holiday cards - this year in real-time 3D

Today 24 November 2008 a new style of personalized real-time 3D messages, Madlix 3DGreetings, is launched. The timing is excellent since Christmas and New Year´s is approaching, the time of year when most greetings are shared. Mobile users worldwide download greetings from content portals, especially at Christmas and New Year´s holidays, to share with friends and family.
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Christmas and New Year's holiday cards - this year in real-time 3D

Today 24 November 2008 a new style of personalized real-time 3D messages, Madlix 3DGreetings, is launched. The timing is excellent since Christmas and New Year´s is approaching, the time of year when most greetings are shared. Mobile users worldwide download greetings from content portals, especially at Christmas and New Year´s holidays, to share with friends and family.