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AgentVegan show climate impact on all recipes

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AgentVegan show climate impact on all recipes

AgentVegan has signed a contract with CarbonCloud to use their cloud-based service CarbonAte to calculate and present CO2e values on all their recipes online.

While the cooking show at AgentVegan supposedly takes place in 1980s, more up-to-date tools are needed to explain the environmental benefits of eating plant-based food.

“I first encountered CarbonCloud at the Roskilde festival last summer, where all the food stalls had an easy to understand, color coded, bar chart visible that showed the CO2e impact of the food served. Back home, and a few calls and emails later we are thrilled to be able to show the same clear information on all our recipes at AgentVegan” says Stefan Olsson.

AgentVegan has just soft-launched its website and is currently publishing one new show (on YouTube) and recipe (on https://agentvegan.com/recipes) every Thursday, complete with nutrition and CO2e calculations and is set on opening its e-commerce shortly for all things that helps people live a more sustainable, plant-based life.

For more information, contact:


Stefan Olsson, Co-founder & Chairman at stefan.olsson@johndoeinvest.com or +46 702 216050


Håkan Axelsson, Co-founder & Chairman at hakan@carboncloud.io or +46 708 714512 


About AgentVegan (agentvegan.com)

Just like in a classic spy movie from the 80s, we are the syndicate with a vision of world domination. This time however, it’s for the good of the planet and humanity. AgentVegan is on a mission to provide the products and services needed to make it easier for every person on the planet to live a modern, sustainable life - regardless of whether you live in a tiny village or in a pulsating city. No bullshit, no fanatics means we are a brand that supports a gradual change towards eating more plant-based food, while staying clear from activism and fanatics.

About CarbonCloud (carboncloud.io)

CarbonCloud is a research-based food tech startup from Chalmers University, Gothenburg Sweden that has developed a disruptive web based SaaS service to perform detailed calculations of climate footprint from food production processes. This allows food producers across the world to calculate and analyze the climate footprint of their product portfolio and productions processes at fraction of the cost and time spent on traditional consultancy based life cycle assessments still at a higher level of detail and quality and with a consistent approach that allows comparisons and benchmarks with other food producers. This allows CarbonClouds customers to become transparent with their climate impact and introduce climate labels on their products as well as developing a detailed understanding about which part of their value chain that generates greenhouse gas emissions in order to manage an increasing business risk in the food industry. 


Stefan Olsson

Stefan Olsson

Presskontakt +46 702 216050
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