Nyhet -

Animus Heart - The product that will change how we interact with our homes - is launched on Indiegogo!

What started 3 years ago as a problem in our home is now a full solution and we are happy to inform you that it is now launched on Indiegogo.

The decision to do a crowd-funding campaign was easy. This alternative will enable us to develop a product in close collaboration with our first users. It will shape the solution according to our mutual vision and creating something the users will love.

We have launched our idea on Indiegogo where we inspire through videos and images of what the product can do for you. It also informs that it is an open platform, empowering you to create new things and customizing your home.

The first 100 backers can back one product from 145 USD/pc, a discount of 50% from the retail price. The minimum goal is to reach 100 000 USD, which would be used for the tool cost, attain required licences and mass-producing the product.

The first products are estimated to be delivered in 3 months. The reason why we are able to deliver this fast is that we already have a working prototype. The core of the platform is developed together with integrated standards.

See the campaign here:
Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/animushome

The Animus Team



  • Bygg, fastighet


  • crowd funding
  • smart home
  • iot
  • hub
  • animus home
  • indiegogo

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