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Axfoundation's Future Food team; Maria Lundesjö, Anna Henning Moberg, Mattias Dernelid, Andrea Giesecke, Christin Hanssen and Madeleine Linins Mörner
Axfoundation's Future Food team; Maria Lundesjö, Anna Henning Moberg, Mattias Dernelid, Andrea Giesecke, Christin Hanssen and Madeleine Linins Mörner

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Axfoundation's innovative work with Future Food crowned Sustainability Initiative of the Year

Axfoundation's innovative work with Future Food was crowned Sustainability Initiative 2020 of the Year at the Swedish food retailer gala on October 8. The Dagligvarugala 2020 was organized by industry magazine Fri Köpenskap and highlighted Swedish companies, stores and innovators that drive the grocery trade industry forward.

“It is an honor to win Sustainability Initiative of the Year,” says Madeleine Linins Mörner, Program Director Future Food, Axfoundation. “For us who are used to working under the radar with innovations at Torsåker farm, it is especially fun to be recognized in this important context.”

Future Food is one of the programs run by Axfoundation. In addition, concrete solutions are also accelerated within the programs Circular Economy and Sustainable Production and Consumption. Together with around 225 partners, Axfoundation tackles issues related to the things we buy, the food we eat and the resources we use.

“Axfoundation’s work is all about practically contributing to sustainable development, not least in agriculture and food production,” says Maria Smith, Secretary General of Axfoundation. “That is why we are happy that Dagligvarugalan 2020 chose to highlight such an important area.”

The jury's motivation for the Sustainability Initiative of the Year reads:

“Through new innovative solutions, our winner challenges an industry that has a major impact on both health and the environment. This year's winners gathered researchers, farmers, food processors and chefs to find good and sustainable alternatives to meat. This work has had a great impact in both stores and restaurants around the country. The work at Torsåker has great potential to make a significant difference to the sustainable food supply of the future.”

Some of the innovations and practical solutions Axfoundation worked with 2019-2020 as part of the Future Food program:

  • Swedish legume mince: A sustainable, delicious and nutritious alternative to minced meat that contributes to a protein shift in Sweden.
  • Underutilized fish species: Investigates the possibility of taking advantage of underutilized fish species such as bream.
  • Five tonnes of green fish: Building an infrastructure to convert vegetable residual streams into a qualitative protein raw material for farmed fish.
  • Antibiotics critera 2.0: Developed industry-wide criteria for antibiotic use and animal wellfare when purchasing meat, dairy products and seafood.
  • Perennial crops: A perennial wheat has been developed by domestication of intermediate wheatgrass.

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Linda Andersson

Linda Andersson

Presskontakt Kommunikationsansvarig / Director of Communications +46 (0)73-087 15 70
Madeleine Linins Mörner

Madeleine Linins Mörner

Programansvarig / Program Director Framtidens Mat / Future Food +46 (0)70-950 35 35
Maria Smith

Maria Smith

Generalsekreterare / Secretary General +46 (0)76-145 28 20

Act to inspire and inspire to act

Axfoundation är en fristående, icke vinstdrivande verksamhet som arbetar konkret och praktiskt för ett mer hållbart samhälle. Vi utvecklar praktiska lösningar på konkreta hållbarhetsutmaningar inom Framtidens mat och Framtidens material. Vi tror på företagande som förändringskraft och på breda samarbeten med relevanta aktörer i samhället. Tillsammans med över 300 partners tacklar vi praktiska frågor som rör sakerna vi köper, maten vi äter och resurserna vi nyttjar.

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