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Axis video encoder solutions

How an analog CCTV system connects through an Axis video encoder to get instant benefits of network video.
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  • Nätverksprodukter


  • axis
  • animation short
  • ip surveillance
  • migration
  • analog camera
  • video encoder
  • analog cameras
  • video encoders
  • network video


Lena Hedén

Presskontakt PR Manager, Products & Technologies +46 46 272 18 00 Välkommen till vår hemsida

Relaterat innehåll

Axis introduces flexible, cost-effective solution with new video encoders

Axis Communications introduces AXIS M70 and AXIS P72 Video Encoder Series with the market’s most comprehensive set of network capabilities. These products enable cost-effective migration of analog cameras into a powerful IP-based video surveillance system, and are ideal for locations such as gas stations, convenience stores and small offices.