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Bona official sponsor of World Expo 2010

Bona is proud to be an official sponsor of the Swedish Pavilion at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. Bona will be a supplier to the Swedish Pavilion with products for wooden floors. “This is a great opportunity for us to show Bona’s long term commitment to the Chinese market ” says Kerstin Lindell, President and CEO at Bona.
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Maria Galvin

Presskontakt Corporate Communications Director Kommunikation, PR och marknad 040-38 73 12

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Bona official sponsor of World Expo 2010

Bona is proud to be an official sponsor of the Swedish Pavilion at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. Bona will be a supplier to the Swedish Pavilion with products for wooden floors. “This is a great opportunity for us to show Bona’s long term commitment to the Chinese market ” says Kerstin Lindell, President and CEO at Bona.