Pressmeddelande -
Cambio talar på WoHIT den 5 november i Köpenhamn
Den 5 november talar Rong Chen, Chief Medical Informatics Officer på WoHIT i Köpenhamn.
Den 4-6 november äger WoHIT (World of Health IT) rum i Köpenhamn och Cambio deltar genom att hålla en presentation den 5 november kl. 17.15-18.00. Talare är Rong Chen, Chief Medical Informatics Officer och titeln på hans presentation är "Archetype Based Regional EHR with Integrated Care Process". Innehållet i presentationen kommer att handla om:
"At this Cambio product tutorial, we will share with you how Cambio COSMIC meets the unique challenges from a regional EHR system. We will demonstrate how we apply the latest semantic technologies including archetypes to enable integrated care process, distributed care plans, and clinical decision support. We will also talk about how clinical knowledge management can revolutionize the way of developing regional EHR towards an open-ended and sustainable solution."
Vår presentation kommer att ske i "Product Tutorial Theater 705".
För ytterligare information:
Johan Thorwid, Senior Vice President Sales
+46 8 691 4900
- Hälsa, sjukvård, läkemedel
- cambio
- integrated care process
- archetype
- rong chen
- chief medical informatics officer
- ehr
- wohit