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Alpha Therapy Solutions och Telix får forskningsbidrag på 990 000 euro för behandling av cancer
Göteborg 2021-06-07 // Hela pressreleasen finns i engelska nedan.
Telix Pharmaceuticals (Telix) och Alpha Therapy Solutions (ATS) har fått finansiering för att utveckla ett nytt läkemedel för riktad alfa-terapi (TAT) med den alfapartikelemitterande radioisotopen astat-211. Projektet, med en budget på 990 000 euro över tre år, omfattar uppskalning av radiokemi, prekliniska studier samt stöd för en Fas 1 klinisk studie. Den effektiva uppskalningsproduktionen av astatinerade radiofarmaceutika möjliggörs med hjälp av ATS nya automatiserade produktionsplattform.
Projektet ger ATS möjlighet att validera bolagets automatiserade produktionsplattform tillsammans med ett av de ledande läkemedelsbolagen inom nuklearmedicin.
Bidraget från EUREKA Association visar på potentialen i användning av riktad alfa-terapi med radioisotopen astat-211.
- Vi är tacksamma över denna möjlighet att kunna utveckla vår teknik på ett sätt som möjliggör bättre och mer skonsamma framtida onkologiska behandlingar, säger Milton Lönnroth, vd och medgrundare på ATS.
Milton Lönnroth
CEO & Co-founder
Phone: +46(0)704348457
ATS är ett portföljbolag hos Chalmers Ventures
Telix and Alpha Therapy Solutions Awarded $1.56M ‘Eurostars’ Grant for Alpha Therapy
Liège (Belgium) and Gothenburg (Sweden) – 7 June 2021. Advanced Nuclear Medicine Ingredients S.A. (‘ANMI’), a wholly owned European subsidiary of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: TLX, Telix, the Company), and Swedish radiopharmaceutical production company Alpha Therapy Solutions (‘ATS’), today announce that they have been jointly awarded a €990K (A$1.56M) ‘Eurostars-2’ research grant from the EUREKA Association.
The Eurostars program1 supports international innovative projects involving at least two different participants from different Eurostars countries and led by R&D-performing small and medium-sized enterprises. Eurostars projects are awarded access to public funding, which originates from participating countries’ national budgets and the European Union Horizon 2020 framework.
Funding has been awarded to Telix and ATS to develop a novel anti-cancer Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT) using the alpha-particle emitting radioisotope; astatine-211. The scope of the project, with a budget of €990K over three years, comprises scale up radiochemistry, preclinical studies and support for a clinical proof-of-concept study. The efficient scale-up production of astatinated radiopharmaceuticals is made possible through the use of ATS’ novel automated astatine production platform.
ATS Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Milton Lönnroth said:
- We are honoured and excited to enter this collaboration with Telix Pharmaceuticals. We look forward to helping to bring this project into clinical development and to validating our platform for the clinical production of astatinated radiopharmaceuticals. Astatine-211 presents some highly favourable characteristics for use in Targeted Alpha Therapy. However, the challenges of producing clinical-scale quantities of this short- lived radioisotope, combined with the lack of commercially available equipment for automated production have so far limited more widespread development. Our platform aims to mitigate these perceived challenges by making the isotope purification and radiopharmaceutical production steps, safer, more reliable and more efficient.
Telix Chief Scientist, Dr Michael Wheatcroft added:
-Coupling the tumour-targeting specificity of peptides and antibodies with the cell-killing power of alpha-emitting radioisotopes offers potential in creating more effective therapeutics in certain cancers. The combination of Telix’s targeting agents and ATS’ automated production platform forms a potent fusion of capability to demonstrate the potential utility of Astatine-based Targeted Alpha Therapies. We are grateful to the Eurostars program in helping our two companies explore the synergies of our combined technologies, expertise and resources to enable the development of this promising area of oncology research.
About Alpha Therapy Solutions
ATS aims to become the leading global partner for production of radiopharmaceuticals based on the alpha-particle emitting isotope astatine-211. ATS is developing the world’s first automated production platform for astatinated radiopharmaceuticals; a product which will greatly enhance clinical research in this field and which is essential for drug commercialisation. ATS also provides industry-leading know-how related to astatine radiochemistry and the production of astatine-based radiopharmaceuticals. For more information visit, and follow ATS on LinkedIn.
Alpha Therapy Solutions Communications
Milton Lönnroth
CEO & Co-founder
Phone: +46(0)704348457
About Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited
Telix is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of diagnostic and therapeutic products using Molecularly Targeted Radiation (MTR). Telix is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with international operations in Belgium, Japan, and the United States. Telix is developing a portfolio of clinical-stage products that address significant unmet medical needs in oncology and rare diseases. Telix is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: TLX). For more information visit and follow Telix on Twitter (@TelixPharma) and LinkedIn.
Telix’s lead investigational product, Illuccix® (TLX591-CDx) for prostate cancer imaging, has been accepted for filing by the U.S. FDA, and is under priority evaluation by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Telix is also progressing marketing authorisation applications for Illuccix® in the European Union and Canada. None of Telix’s products have received a marketing authorisation in any jurisdiction.
Telix Corporate ContactTelix Corporate Communications
Dr. Christian Behrenbruch
Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited
Managing Director and CEO
Dr. Stewart Holmstrom
Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited
Director of Corporate Communications
Chalmers Ventures har 15 års erfarenhet av att sammanföra idégivare med drivna entreprenörer, och stötta team som vill ta sin teknikbaserade affärsidé och skapa ett globalt företag.
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Chalmers Ventures finns i Göteborg på Vera Sandbergs Allé 8 och är ett helägt dotterbolag till Chalmers Tekniska Högskola.