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Photo: John Carlsson, Sara Kulturhus
Photo: John Carlsson, Sara Kulturhus

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Cirkus Cirkör to tour Japan as the first contemporary circus company ever

Cirkus Cirkör is set to make history by becoming the first contemporary circus company to tour Japan. In November 2024, the company will bring its highly acclaimed production, Knitting Peace, to Yamaguchi, Okayama, Tokyo, Aichi, and Toyama audiences.

This tour marks the first time a contemporary circus company will tour through a newly started network of larger theatres. Cirkus Cirkör has performed at Setagaya Public Theatre in Tokyo before, with the performance Limits in 2018. The five venues hosting Cirkör are cooperating on hosting Knitting Peace, and the Swedish Embassy in Japan supports the tour.

“We are thrilled to bring our show to Japan and to share our art form with the Japanese audience,” said CEO Kajsa Giertz. “This tour marks a significant milestone for Cirkus Cirkör and the European circus community. It is a testament to the circus’s ability to transcend borders, and we are excited to be part of the cultural exchange between our two countries.”

The tour will begin in Yamaguchi and continue to Okayama, Tokyo, Aichi, and Toyama. In addition to the Knitting Peace performances, workshops will be held in all cities, and schools will be invited to watch the performances.

About Knitting Peace

Knitting Peace, directed by Tilde Björfors, is a poetic and visually stunning performance that explores the themes of peace and the human striving for something better. The show features five circus artists and a live musician who create a magical world of ropes, yarns, and threads accompanied by enigmatic music and evocative poetry. Since its premiere in 2013, the show has been performed over 400 times and has toured on three continents, 14 countries, and 63 cities.

About Contemporary Circus in Japan

In 2023, the first contemporary circus network, MIRAI, was launched in Japan. The number of people who want to create and share their circus works has steadily increased in Japan. However, the country's creation and presentation environment is still developing. MIRAI expands possibilities and improves quality by utilising each partner organisation's knowledge and recourses, such as rehearsal spaces, creative know-how, funding, and performance opportunities.

Dates and venues

November 9-10
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media

November 16
Okayama Arts and Crafts Theater "Harenowa"


November 20-22
Setagaya Public Theatre, Tokyo

November 26
Aichi Prefectural Art Theater


November 20 - December 1
Aubade Hall, Toyama

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Cirkus Cirkör was started in 1995 and is the most prominent circus company in the Nordics today. Our umbrella covers performances on tour in Sweden and the world, courses and educational programs for all ages, an upper secondary school for circus, business events and many, many collaboration projects.‌

Cirkus Cirkör is an idea of how to use the arts to influence, develop and change the world. With curiosity, humour and courage, we explore the diversity and limits of the circus arts. Cirkus Cirkör is a platform where different artistic practices flourish and surprise. We collaborate with many and use the circus as a method to lift and inspire humans.‌

We bring contemporary circus into the future.


Hillevi Berg Niska

Hillevi Berg Niska

Presskontakt Chef för Marknad & Kommunikation 0704105210

Cirkus Cirkör - allt är möjligt

Cirkus Cirkör startades 1995 och är idag Nordens största cirkuskompani. Vår verksamhet rymmer föreställningar på turné i Sverige och världen, kurser och pedagogiska program för alla åldrar, ett cirkusgymnasium, event för företag och otaliga samarbetsprojekt. Cirkus Cirkör är en idé om hur vi kan använda konst för att påverka, utveckla och förändra världen. Med nyfikenhet, humor och mod utforskar vi cirkusens mångfald och gränser. Cirkus Cirkör är en plattform där olika konstnärskap blomstrar och överraskar. Vi samarbetar med många och använder cirkus som metod för att lyfta och inspirera människan.

Vi tar den samtida cirkusen in i framtiden.


Rotemannavägen 10
145 57 Norsborg