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A successful day at the recent Zmart student career fair at Chalmers

The Zmart fair (for Mechanical Engineering and Automation & Mechatronics students) held at the Chalmers University yesterday was a success for us. Our booth was swamped with students eager to ask us about our company, the availability of theses work, to try their hand at our Dig Assist simulator and of course dive for sweets in the biggest 'godis' bowl at the fair.

Our sponsored 'Tekniksprånget' students helping out with the 'most' important task.

The main aim for being at Zmart is to talk and explain to the students about the various theses work we have in-house at CPAC Systems. It is important to us that we approach students personally and vice versa. We believe the personal approach essential in creating a rapport with them and that's what we want. It also helps us deliver our message more effectively but more importantly, to recognize the individual in the student and listen to his or her views and ideas.

Some of the theses work we have for 2017 are, for example, building simulators using latest VR technologies for use within product development; creating state-of-art diagnostics product for aftermarket needs and building a LIDAR based robot. Interesting? We're still taking in applications until the end of this week, 25 November 2016, so if you're a Masters student looking for thesis work, there are several ways you can still apply - on our website or email your CV and cover letter to

Some of our colleagues at a recent Caster event

Some of our colleagues at the latest Caster event held November 2016.

CPAC Systems is a sponsor of not only the ArgZ section which organizes the Zmart fair but also supports student projects like Chalmers Formula Student (CFS) and Caster. We truly believe in building strong relationships with our future employees and possibly future leaders.


  • chalmers
  • zmart
  • tekniksprånget
  • caster
  • chalmers formula student
  • competence search
  • master thesis
  • mechatronics
  • robotics
  • automation


  • Göteborg