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DeltaNordic Unveils New Brand Identity and Booth Design at Elmia Subcontractor 2024

DeltaNordic Group Unveils New Brand Identity and Booth Design at Elmia Subcontractor 2024

DeltaNordic Group will once again participate in Elmia Subcontractor, taking place November 12-14, 2024, in Jönköping, Sweden. This year marks an exciting milestone for DeltaNordic, as we introduce our newly launched brand identity and a fully redesigned booth, reflecting our commitment to innovation, sustainability, and excellence in electrical and electronic component solutions.

DeltaNordic Launches New Brand Identity

DeltaNordic Launches New Brand Identity

DeltaNordic proudly announces the launch of its fresh and dynamic brand identity. This move comes as part of the company’s commitment to innovation, reflecting its evolution and continued growth in the market.

DeltaNordic have a new CEO, Rickard Vahlberg.

DeltaNordic Group Appoints New CEO

DeltaNordic Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Rickard Vahlberg as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective January 8, 2024, as Jörgen Söderström, the long-standing CEO have decided to retire for personal reasons.

DeltaNordics new factory

DeltaNordic – New factory in Kungsängen, Stockholm

DeltaNordic is proud to announce a new factory in Kungsängen, Stockholm. Solidifying DeltaNordics commitment to growth and expansion. The move will be finished 4:th of December. The new factory will enables continued expansion and provides our electronics production with sufficient capacity and redundancy.

Meet DeltaNordic at Elmia Subcontrator between 14-16 nov, 2023

DeltaNordic at Elmia Subcontrator 2023

DeltaNordic will once again participate at Elmia Subcontractor expo between 14-16 nov, 2023. Today DeltaNordic experiences a sturdy growth and is expanding its business rapidly to meet demand. At Elmia, visitors can see some of the unique solutions DeltaNordic has produced for their customers.

QleanAirs luftrenare har avancerade luftfilter som bidrar till minskad smittspridning i inomhusmiljöer.

QleanAirs luftrenare fick uppsving under pandemin

Det svenska företaget QleanAir Scandinavia som arbetat med lösningar för luftrening i mer än 30 år har fått ett uppsving under Covid 19 och då särskilt med företagets luftrenare som bland annat bidrar till att reducera smittspridningen i inomhusmiljöer. Avancerade partikelfilter renar luften från virus, bakterier, pollen och giftiga gaser.

New CEO at DeltaNordic China

Vicky Ma has been elevated to General Manager of DeltaNordic's operation in China. Vicky has been with the company for 8 years responsible for sourcing and sales. Her new responsibilities will include overlooking the processes in all departments, focusing on sales and projects.


Patrik Thelin

Patrik Thelin

Presskontakt Chief Marketing Officer - CMO DeltaNordic Group +46 660 299866

Avancerade lösningar för elektriska och elektroniska system

DeltaNordic erbjuder kompletta lösningar inom elektriska och elektroniska system ofta för krävande miljöer. Från idé till färdig produkt och dokumentation.

Företaget startade redan 1981. Vi tror på långa relationer och har livslång support på våra lösningar. DeltaNordic har huvudkontor i Örnsköldsvik och finns representerade i Kungsängen (norr om Stockholm) och i Nanjing, Kina. Med produktion på alla tre orterna.

DeltaNordic AB

Björnavägen 74
891 42 Örnsköldsvik