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Swedish Kiosk Culture Revival

The swedish kiosk culture is dying but help is on the way. In late July, 30 volunteers come to the county of Dalsland to build two ice cream kiosks in one week, old style but with a twist - You can also use them as holiday homes.

Swedes love their kiosks. During the 50's there was a rich flora of kiosks both in content and form. -Then the kiosk death struck. For 25 years, three kiosks a month disappeared. Changes in behavior, fierce competition and tougher rules for food handling are some of the reasons. Today, for most people, the Swedish kiosk is a curiosity, a nostalgic memory. The project ”Ed's Second Kiosk” want to change that.

July 24, 30 volunteers from all over Sweden will go to to the remote village Dals Ed in the county of Dalsland to live together and build two kiosks, in just one week! The kiosks are designed after a historical model from 1929 by Georg Zackariasson, designed for selling Ice cream and sausages. The difference from the original is that you can also live in these kiosks!

- Accommodation function may be the missing piece required to bring the Swedish kiosk culture to life again, says Erik Normark.

Erik Normark is the initiator behind the project facilitated by the home factory Egnahemsfabriken and financed by the ArkDes Think Tank at Sweden’s national centre for architecture and design.

Small model of the kiosk, made by Erik Normark.
Housing Kiosk a completely new form of housing
Erik calls the concept a ”Housing Kiosk”. In a Swedish kontext it would be a completely new form of housing. To make the model relevant there is just one small if; The regulations that prevents you from living in a store permanently. But combining a small summer
house with a shop does not pose any legal problems, says Erik who himself will live in one of the kiosks, where he will sell ice cream with his daughter Lou Stolpe during the summer.

In light of work from home-trend during the pandemic, the Housing Kiosk is not a particularly long step to take. Due to digitalisation, relocation from the cities and the high housing prices, the small kiosk is optimal, not least from a climate perspective due to its small climate footprint.
- The other kiosk will be sold to someone who shares my dream says Erik, hoping to plant a seed for a kiosk renaissance.
- I hope more people do as I do and build a housing kiosk. Not everyone needs to sell ice cream and sausages. In a kiosk you can sell anything, skateboards, art, whatever you want. The kiosk is dead, long live the housing kiosk Says Erik and laughs.

About the Project

The project Ed's second kiosk will be implemented in the summer of 2021 with the support of ArkDes and in collaboration between Egnahemsfabriken, Dare2Build - Chalmers, Jessica Fleetwood - Cofounder of the Art Gallery Not Quite, the municipality of Dals Ed, ABF, Håbols IF and Erik Normark from Håbol in Dalsland, .

Erik Normark, Kiosk Entrepreneur. Photo by Lou Stolpe.

Relaterade länkar


  • Arkitektur


  • sweden
  • real estate
  • architecture
  • tiny house
  • proptech
  • compact living
  • small business
  • placemaking
  • housing

Följ bygget av Eds andra kiosk. Ett tillsammansbygge av Egnahemsfabriken, Not Quite, Chalmers, Arkdes Think Tank, Håbols IF och Dals Eds kommun i Dalsland.


Erik Berg

Presskontakt Projektledare och arkitekt Egnahemsfabriken 0703022574

Erik Normark

Presskontakt Byggherre och initiativtagare Eds Andra kiosk 0703619015

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