KubeCon recap & Istio

Tid 25 November 2019 17:00 – 19:00

Plats Elastisys Office, Kuratorvägen 2A, 4th floor

Cristian and Johan will recap and summarize KubeCon NA 2019, held the week before in San Diego.

Lars Larsson will present Istio, and tell us:

Why are service meshes like Istio useful?
What does Istio do for your application, your organisation, and your release process?
How does Istio work under the hood?

The target audience is everyone from decision makers to technical staff and developers alike looking to make their software deployments safer, smarter, and more agile. Learn about network traffic management and the ecosystem that is evolving around the Istio service mesh, originally developed at Google, IBM, and Lyft to overcome challenges introduced by adopting micro-service architectures at scale.

Elastisys will provide light food and drinks


  • devops
  • kubecon
  • meetup
  • cloudnative
  • mjukvaruutveckling
  • micro-services


Emma Renman

Presskontakt Marketing Manager +46 73 092 9158