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11 digitaliseringsexperter med olika specialområden föreläser i Stockholm 10 december.
11 digitaliseringsexperter med olika specialområden föreläser i Stockholm 10 december.

Digitalization and its impact on welfare and labor: What does it mean for entrepreneurs and innovators?

Tid 10 December 2019 16:30 – 18:30

Plats Aulan, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm

Digitalization and digital transformation affects everyone to some extent or another. As the welfare services and the labor sector are becoming increasingly more digitalized, many of us stop to ask ourselves what our future will look like. Will welfare services become more accessible or less? Will we keep the jobs that we have now, or will we need to reskill? Who wins and who loses as a result of the technological development? And what new innovations and services can we expect within the next few years?

These questions are discussed in two recent books published by Routledge. They explore topics such as telemedicine, EdTech, predictive health care, blockchain, digital dentistry, citizen protection, circular economy, GDPR, substitution of labor, gig economy, the “cashless” society, and many more.

During this lecture, the many speakers and panelists (consisting of some of the books’ authors) will share their insights and different perspectives on these important topics. You will learn more about:

- How commercialization of welfare services will affect the availability of such services, and what service innovations we can expect to see in the future.
- The implications of telemedicine, and how it will affect the extant welfare.
- How circular economy can provide opportunities for entrepreneurs in a digitalized society.

Please note that the lecture is held in English. It is organized in collaboration between ESBRI and Stockholm School of Economics.



Magnus Aronsson

Magnus Aronsson

Presskontakt VD och ansvarig utgivare 073 506 00 08

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ESBRI sprider forskningsbaserad kunskap om entreprenörskap, innovation och småföretagande

ESBRI – Institutet för entreprenörskaps- och småföretagsforskning – grundades på initiativ av entreprenören Leif Lundblad. Institutets övergripande målsättning är att stimulera entreprenörskap i Sverige. ESBRI är fristående från politiska intressen. För mer information: www.esbri.se

Saltmätargatan 9
11359 Stockholm