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Image by:  Anna Asgeirsdottir Kastberg Hinrichsen
Image by: Anna Asgeirsdottir Kastberg Hinrichsen

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Drone Dancing: Drone Visions and Between Realities (English)

This autumn, two separate exhibitions will be presented at Färgfabriken that discuss the impact of technology on the future – Drone Visions and Between Realities.

The nomadic art project Drone Dancing is transforming Stockholm’s contemporary art venue Färgfabriken into a center for futuristic visions in late August. Created by Björn Wurmbach in collaboration with Färgfabriken and Goethe-Institut Schweden, the project explores what it will mean to be human in 2047.

Drone Dancing consists of two exhibitions - Drone Visions and Between Realities. The exhibitions utilize two separate curatorial techniques to demonstrate the future impact of technology on our society. Drone Visions is a self-organized exhibition and event created on a digital platform, while Between Realities presents five contemporary artists in an exhibition curated by Björn Norberg and produced by Färgfabriken.

Joachim Granit, Creative and Artistic Director at Färgfabriken, says that the project raises a number of important questions for debate concerning future technological societies.

It is exciting for Färgfabriken to have the opportunity to exhibit two very interesting exhibitions that explore an important aspect of our future. The technological development is currently accelerating at an exceptional rate and is affecting every part of society. Both of these exhibitions discuss what is happening with the social and cultural dimensions of the future, and its effects upon the individual”, Granit said. 

Between Realities

31.08 - 02.12, 2018

Five contemporary artists participate in the exhibition and focus, in different ways, upon what it entails to be human in a rapidly changing world, where technology is perpetually altering our behaviours and perceptions of the world. 

Participating artists: Anna Uddenberg, Jacob Kirkegaard, Julius von Bismarck, Wendy McMurdo and Katja Novitskova.

Supported by: Goethe-Institut Schweden.

Drone Visions

31.08 - 06.09, 2018

Drone Visions is carried out by various creators without the usual supervision of an artistic leader. The participants were given the freedom to collectively plan, select and illustrate their work; the only requirement being that they explore what the future might hold 29 years from now. Drone Visions was made possible with the financial support of Kulturbryggan and Goethe-Institut Schweden. The exhibition’s budget was distributed by the participants themselves, through an online voting system (http:// join.dronedancing.vision).

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En konsthall och experimentell plattform

Färgfabriken är en konsthall för samtidskonst, arkitektur, samhällsfrågor och stadsutveckling. Färgfabriken är också en mötesplats för livliga diskussioner, och fungerar även som en nod för flera spännande projekt som sker utanför konsthallens väggar. Genom att arbeta experimentellt och gränsöverskridande skapar vi förutsättningar för nya tankar, kunskap och konstnärliga gestaltningar.


Färgfabriken, Lövholmsbrinken 1
117 43 Stockholm