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Foto: Tingey Law Firm, Unsplash
Foto: Tingey Law Firm, Unsplash

Rule of law at war

Tid 10 November 2023 10:00 – 11:30

Plats Europahuset, Regeringsgatan 65

Russia’s illegal war on Ukraine has been brutal and the reports of potential war crimes have been many.

This seminar will focus on rule of law at war and the war crimes committed by Russia in their illegal war against Ukraine and how those are investigated and prosecuted. What is rule of law and how is it affected by war? What legal institutions are important and how can these be supported and strengthened? These questions will be addressed by Ms. Krasnoborova, Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust for Ukraine.

One actor that has taken an active role in supporting Ukraine is the European Union and its legal institutions. How does the coordination at EU level look like and how can European institutions support Ukraine? What investigations have been carried out at the European level? One important aspect when discussing the war in Ukraine is the reconstruction of the country during and after the war. Can Russian frozen assets be used in financing the reconstruction?

The war in Ukraine has had a massive impact on Swedish foreign policy. Sweden has taken an active part in providing support to Ukraine. What role has Sweden taken in the European support to Ukraine in general and how does Sweden work on issues of war crimes in particular?


10.00 Introduction

Simon Jernberg, Program manager global security trends, Folk och Försvar

10.05 Key note speech

Myroslava Krasnoborova, Liaison prosecutor, Eurojust

10.30 EU legal support to Ukraine to investigate war crimes

Fredrik Wesslau, former Deputy head of the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine

10.45 EU and Sweden’s contribution to justice in Ukraine

Hanna Lemoine, Deputy chief prosecutor, Swedish Prosecution Authority

TBA, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs


11.15 Q & A

11.30 End of seminar



Anna Lagerlöf

Anna Lagerlöf

Presskontakt Kommunikatör
Per Klingvall

Per Klingvall

Presskontakt Pressansvarig Rikskonferensen +46 703 01 68 05

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