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Jan Björklund (fp): Gratulationsbrev till Barack Obama

Nedanstående gratulationsbrev har idag onsdag skickats till USAs nyvalde president Barack Obama från folkpartiet liberalernas partiledare Jan Björklund.

"Dear President-Elect Barack Obama,

Congratulations on your victory! I sincerely believe the results of this election have shown that the American people is ready for the change you offer. It is also a change that I am convinced will reinvigorate the links between Europe and the United States, and bring our continents closer together.

Our parties have a long history of fruitful cooperation through the framework of the Liberal International and National Democratic Institute, a relationship that I hope will deepen during the coming years. The world needs stronger liberal forces, which has become clear not only through the tragic collapse of the Doha round and the financial crisis, but also in the United Nations, where the structures to promote democracy often are too weak.

On the day of your victory I also want to take the opportunity to emphasize the importance of free trade and the negative consequences of high tariffs for the third world. By holding back on open trade, we hold back on modernizing our economies and raising our productivity. It is of utmost importance that the process of globalization is embedded in our national policies - instead of being pushed back by our fear for the unknown.

I look forward to the coming four years. I am convinced that you will become a great leader of the United States of America and that the American people will benefit from your time in the White house.

Once again, congratulations!

Best regards,
Jan Björklund
Party leader of the Liberal Party of Sweden (Folkpartiet Liberalerna)"

Anna Neuman, pressekreterare hos Jan Björklund
08-405 25 03, 070-188 65 55


  • Politik