Pressmeddelande -

FRCTN Store - Introduktion

I juni detta år lanserades FRCTN Store (uttalat: fraction store) i Göteborg.
Butiken är belägen på Sveagatan 8 i Linnéstaden - vi riktar oss mot en internationell kundkrets och därför är vår sida och det bifogade pressmeddelandet skrivet på engelska.

Om ni undrar över något så är det bara att höra av er till oss på eller besöka vår sida på

Använd gärna PDF'en till att sprida denna nyhet i era kanaler!

Tack för all eventuell hjälp och hoppas vi hörs snart igen!
/Carl Martinsson och Ante Ossianson


FRCTN (pronounced: fraction) is the brainchild of founding partners Ante Ossianson and 
Carl Martinsson. The store based out of Gothenburg, Sweden is the result of months of planning and hard work. We are determined to offer the european market unique and sought after segments the we feel have been overlooked in the past. 
FRCTN represents the finest in contemporary streetwear and strives to offer and collaborate with the best brands on the market. Our focus is to become a force to be reckoned with on the european streetwear scene. It is time to get the best brands out there recognition and customers that they deserve, it is time to make this global - erasing geographical borders and making the world our customerbase.

FRCTN will combine international brands that have been slept on in Europe together with domestic brands that deserve a broader audience to truly represent a wide spectrum of this beautiful chaos that is todays streetwear scene. The reason behind our name is also the explanation to what we are: FRCTN – A part of the whole.

With years of experience behind us and strong collaborations in the pipeline, we are already more than half way towards our goal, and there are no plans on slowing down. The ideal customer for FRCTN are men and women in their mid 20’s to 30’s with a keen sense of personal style and knowledge of quality versus quantity. We hereby present ourselves to you and hope youʼll like what you see.
We currently have a pop-store located at Sveagatan 8 in Linnéstaden, Gothenburg. The store is filled with premium goods from brands such as GoodWood NYC, Blvck Scvle, Diamond Supply Co., Gram, Supra, 9five Eyewear, HUF, Galagowear, Rebel8, Brixton, Meister Watches, Nord Clothing and more!
Our opening hours are weekdays 12.00 – 19.00 and Saturdays 12.00 – 16.00 On Sundays, we rest.
The webshop will launch this summer and we will ship to out to European countries aswell and domestically.
Thanks for your time and hope to see you at the store!

/Carl Martinsson & Ante Ossianson on behalf of FRCTN    @frctnstore


  • Kläder


  • frctn
  • frctn store
  • sveagatan 8
  • göteborg
  • goodwood nyc
  • blvck scvle
  • diamond supply co.
  • gram
  • supra
  • 9five eyewear
  • huf
  • galagowear
  • rebel8
  • brixton
  • meister watches
  • nord clothing


p.   +46 31 788 45 50
t.    @FRCTNstore