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Gartner utnämner återigen Fujitsu till ledare inom outsourcing av datacenter och infrastrukturtjänster

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Gartner utnämner återigen Fujitsu till ledare inom outsourcing av datacenter och infrastrukturtjänster

13 juli 2016 – För fjärde året i rad utnämns Fujitsu i Europa som ledare i den senaste upplagan av Gartners Magic Quadrant för datacenteroutsourcing (DCO) och Infrastructure Utility Services (IUS).

”Vi tror att Gartner också uppmärksammar Fujitsus fortsatta satsning på att förstärka vår digitala affärsplattform MetaArc som en av de faktorer som bidragit till att säkra vår position som ledare”, säger Conway Kosi, ansvarig för Fujitsu Managed Infrastructure Services i Europa.

Fujitsus MetaArc är skapad för att göra det möjligt för verksamheter att genomföra komplexa digitaliseringsprojekt med självförtroende och fullt ut dra nytta av koncept som Big Data, IoT och mobilitet. MetaArc hjälper också företag att skapa hybrida IT-miljöer med en mix av traditionell och molnbaserad infrastruktur.

Gartner har även utvärderat Fujitsus nyligen lanserade Cloud Service K5, en open source-baserad molnplattform som hjälper företag få ut största möjliga värde ur befintlig IT-infrastruktur samtidigt som den stödjer en övergång till molnet.

För mer information, läs nedanstående pressrelease.

For Fourth Year in Succession, Fujitsu Named by Gartner as a Leader in Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services in Europe

Munich, July 13, 2016 – Fujitsu has been recognized as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing (DCO) and Infrastructure Utility Services (IUS), Europe for the fourth successive year.

To attain the coveted leadership status in a Magic Quadrant, according to Gartner, a vendor must “execute well against its current vision and be well positioned for tomorrow.” Fujitsu’s vision is one of a Human Centric Intelligent Society, where social and business innovation is driven by the intelligent use of information and communication technology. Fujitsu's Managed Infrastructure Services, including Cloud and Data Center technologies, form the foundation of making this vision a reality.

Conway Kosi, Head of Managed Infrastructure Services EMEIA at Fujitsu, says: “We appreciate Gartner’s confirmation of Fujitsu’s leadership position for the fourth successive year which reflects our focus on enabling digital transformation and Hybrid IT management. Our Data Center and Infrastructure Services not only support critical business operations for our customers but they also play a key role in enabling growth through balancing the benefits of robust and fast IT. We believe that Gartner also recognizes Fujitsu’s ongoing investment in enhancing our Digital Business Platform MetaArc as one of the factors that helped secure our position as a Leader in the new Magic Quadrant.”

Fujitsu’s MetaArc is designed to enable enterprises to digitalize with confidence by taking advantage of key digital capabilities such as Big Data, enterprise mobility and the Internet of Things. It also helps businesses achieve the critical balance of embracing a Hybrid IT environment; leveraging the possibilities offered by cloud-based digital solutions to drive innovation while maintaining and modernizing traditional, robust systems that underpin their business operations.

Fujitsu Cloud Service K5, which is a key component of MetaArc, was also evaluated by Gartner. The K5 cloud platform enables customers to extract the maximum possible value out existing investment in IT infrastructure while transitioning to digital solutions. K5 combines Fujitsu’s extensive knowledge of developing cloud solutions and services with open source technologies – resulting in the most open, compatible and agile enterprise cloud platform available in the market today.

Notes to editors

The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services, Europe, was published on June 27, 2016 and is authored by analysts DD Mishra, Claudio Da Rold, Gianluca Tramacere, Philip Dawson, Gregor Petri and David Groombridge.

1 About Gartner Methodologies, Gartner Magic Quadrant: http://www.gartner.com/technology/research/methodologies/research_mq.jsp

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Mer information

Information om Fujitsus Data Center Services finns på http://www.fujitsu.com/global/services/infrastructure/data-center-services/
Läs Fujitsus blogg:http://blog.ts.fujitsu.com
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Susanne Carlsson
Senior Marketing Manager, Fujitsu Sverige
+46 (0)73 978 82 78




Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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