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Gleechi expands platform capabilities to deliver dental nurse training using Virtual Reality

Gleechi AB, an award-winning developer of Virtual Reality training solutions, has today announced the availability of a comprehensive dental nursing training programme. YrkesAkademin Yrkeshögskola, a leading Swedish vocational education provider will use the new programme to give students the opportunity to develop hands-on skills within a virtual dental practice.

The dental training programme is delivered through the Gleechi Virtual Reality Training Platform, a suite of no-code tools that empower users to create, customise and self-publish VR experiences.

Students are able to practice pre-patient preparations, applying protective gear and cleaning work areas, using virtualised equipment such as X-ray and Autoclave sterilisation machines and performing dental care procedures on a simulated patient.

“The launch of the new dental nurse training programme underlines the growing capabilities of Gleechi’s unique approach to no-code creation of VR training experiences.

Through the programme, educational providers can not only deliver comprehensive dental nurse training to students but also have the freedom to extensively customise and change the training to suit their specific local needs and requirements.

By radically changing traditional dynamics, empowering experts in their domain to capture and spread their expertise through self-authoring, we are making high-quality VR training experiences accessible to all.”

Jakob Way, CEO, Gleechi.

VirtualGrasp technology enables fine-grained hand interaction with dental instruments, providing complete freedom of interaction for a more immersive and higher quality learning experience. Students are able to perform intricate procedures, such as teeth polishing, gaining unique hands-on experience in delivering patient care.

“The introduction of VR training for our dental training programme provides exciting new opportunities to enrich the learning experience for our students.

Traditional dental care training is resource-intensive, requiring access to specialist facilities and equipment. Through embracing VR training, our students have the freedom to jump into training at will and practice infinitely, developing essential hands-on skills which would otherwise be more challenging to acquire.

We are delighted to further strengthen and expand our VR training portfolio with the Gleechi platform that gives us the freedom to customise and tailor our learning experiences.”

Maria Dahl, Dental Nursing Education Specialist, YrkesAkademin.

The Gleechi Virtual Reality Training Platform is delivered as a monthly service, making the creation of stunning VR training experiences accessible to all.

For more information about YrkesAkademin Yrkeshögskola, please visit

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  • Education


  • healthcare
  • gleechi
  • yrkesakademin
  • virtualgrasp

The Gleechi Virtual Reality training platform uses VirtualGrasp™ technology to provide natural interaction within virtual environments. Natural interaction gives participants the freedom to learn-by-doing, safely developing and practising new skills with the confidence to apply them to real-world operations and procedures. Companies using the Gleechi VR training platform are able to radically reduce travel and training costs and minimise business disruption while improving safety and efficiency.


Thomas Bailey

Press contact Marketing Director