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Swedish solar energy product to support in emergency situations

HiNation AB is awarded a total of SEK 500 000 to take their solar product HiLight to the next level: adapting it to meet demands in emergency situations, natural disasters and refugee camps. Recently released HiLight 102 offers strong light and efficient charging with solar power for emergency situations, and with its hibernation mode, it is ready for action also after longer periods of storage. With the support from VINNOVA, HiNation will take HiLight to the next level.

The VINNOVA Programme Research & Grow supports 51 innovative projects in a wide range of industries. The aim of VINNOVA's funding is for small and medium enterprises to increase their competitiveness by investing in research and development, thus contributing to growth in Sweden.

At HiNation, the contribution from VINNOVA will fund a study of the needs in different types of emergency situations and rescue operations, and align the company's existing product to meet these needs.

"The approved funding confirms what we hear on the market; there is a need for solutions that meets the demanding environment after a natural disaster or major emergency. We provide a solution which is environmentally friendly and does not require any fuel delivery, which can be very difficult in the emergency situations or natural disasters.  We delivered HiLights to Japan after the nuclear disaster - often it is only when something happens that we realize how dependent we are on electricity, "said Linda Krondahl, founder and CEO of HiNation AB. 


  • Utbildning


  • vinnova “research & grow' programme
  • awards
  • off-grid
  • mobilladdare
  • mobilladdning
  • off-grid charging solutions
  • solceller
  • solenergi
  • solcellsladdare
  • linda krondahl
  • hination
  • hilight

HiNation® was founded in 2008 by Linda Krondahl, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering and Technology Management. HiNation cooperates with external expertise, organisations and universities for product development, manufacturing and sales. Our mission is to provide the best solar powered products to people around the globe, focusing on two markets - Outdoor users and Off-grid users

Today 1,7 billion people, about 25% of the world's population, lack access to electricity. Instead, they get light from open fires, kerosene lamps or battery flash lights. The result is unhealthy emissions, affecting the health of people locally and the environment globally, but also the risk related to fires in areas where water often is a scarce resource. With HiNation's portable solar panel HiLight they can produce their own energy for durable lighting and charging cell phones and other portable device.


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