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Sweden launches first ever cancer-app

A hospital in western Sweden is the first in the world to use smartphones to help diagnose skin cancer. A family doctor can take a photo of a patient’s condition with their phone, and then using a phone application, they send the picture to the dermatologist, and get a diagnosis within 24 hours.

Specialist John Paoli says that they have tested the app at 20 local health centres and two skin clinics and seen that patients with malignant melanoma can get operated on straight away thanks to this app.

Sweden has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world, but 300 million SEK is wasted every year by removing harmless skin blemishes.


About iDoc24's cancer app


  • Hälso-, sjukvård


  • idoc24
  • ehealth
  • healthcare
  • health 2.0
  • android app
  • ios app
  • startup
  • melanoma
  • skin cancer
  • dermatology
  • mhealth

About the service

The demands on public healthcare increase as the population grows older. At the same time, higher quality of care can be made possible through medical and technological innovation. The development of IT solutions brings about new possibilities for the individual to access healthcare services through these new channels of information.

Both within the EU as well as on a national level there are IT strategies regarding healthcare called “eHealth”. Availability, quality, and safety are guiding themes while developing these strategies. The solution is a well functioning software infrastructure. iDoc24 is a part of this solution.

Our service is developed based on mobile telemedicine also termed “mHealth”. Our doctors strive to give accurate information on a possible diagnosis and treatment regime. The service should not be considered as a substitute to your in-person doctor visit, but rather as a high quality information or triage service from experts, which serves as a complement to health searches on the internet and healthcare portals (like NHS Direct in Sweden).


Alexander Börve

Presskontakt Legitimerad Läkare, Doktorand, Grundare och VD VD och Medicinsk ansvarig +1 857 250 5475

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