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28 Years since the World's Largest Industrial Disaster

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28 Years since the World's Largest Industrial Disaster

It was during the night between 2nd and 3rd December, 1984, that the sleeping inhabitants of the slum in the town of Bhopal, in the middle of India, woke up because every breath burnt, they vomited, the eyes hurted like fire, and they did not get air. Everyone knew immediately that gas leaked from the Union Carbide plant - there had been many smaller leakages earlier. At the same time as human fell down, dead, on the streets, the hospital was overwhelmed by blinded people who were suffocating to death. 

At least 500,000 people were exposed to the gases. Around 8,000 people, maybe more, died during the first weeks. It is estimated that 100,000, maybe twice as many, have permanent injuries, of more or less serious grade.

The direct reason to the leakage is still not known. But it is clear that the magnitude of the disaster and its consequences depends on negligence from Union Carbide as well as the Governments of India and Madhya Pradesh. The maintenance was neglected, and a catastrophy plan was missing. After the leakage, it was denied that the gases could cause permanent injuries, and not until several years later, the victims got a small economic compensation.

During the years that the plant worked, chemical waste was dumped in the surroundings, in the way that at the time was common all around the world. This has led to polluted groundwater in the area where a growing slum population have settled. Organisations working in the area considers that there is an increase of malformations among children. 

That the issue after 28 years still is sensitive to the Government of India is shown by the ban to the Swedish general practitioner Dr. Ingrid Eckerman who no longer gets visa to India. In 2011, she was sent back from Delhi by return flight. Her book "The Bhopal Saga - causes and consequences of the world's largest industrial disaster", published in India eight years ago, is probably the cause. 

Read more about this in the earlier press release http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/ingrid-eckerman/pressrelease/view/swedish-doctor-banned-from-india-816057  


MyNewsdesk  www.mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/ingrid-eckerman

My website  www.eckerman.nu

My blog  www.ingrideckerman.blogspot.se

The Bhopal Medical Appeal  www.bhopal.org

The Chingari Trust  www.chingaritrustbhopal.com

The International Medical Commission on Bhopal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Medical_Commission_on_Bhopal

The Bhopal disaster  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal_disaster

The film One night in Bhopal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyd8oKdb_C8

Others who were sent back:




Ingrid Eckerman

Statsrådsvägen 11, SE 12838 Skarpnäck, Stockholm, Sweden


+46 8 600 15 56



Ingrid Eckerman - allmänläkaren som förbjuds hälsa på sina "barnbarn" i Indien

Ingrid Eckerman - the family doctor who is forbidden to see her "grandchildren" in India


Ingrid Eckerman

Ingrid Eckerman

Presskontakt Grundare av nätverket Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! Owner +46 70 557 31 93 Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan!

Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! Stop deportations to Afghanistan!

År 2016 instiftades en ny asyllag som gällde retroaktivt från 25 november 2015 i syfte att göra så många flyktingar som möjligt utvisningsbara. Detta drabbade de afghanska flyktingarna, varav många var ensamkommande barn och ungdomar, hårt. Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! med 26 000 medlemmar är ett nätverk av svenska stödpersoner och afghanska flyktingar.