Nyhet -

Master the innovation and change process - course opportunity online 24 September

Learn how to master the innovation and change process. This course will teach you how to set up a repetitive process to spot the real problems, of your customers and within your organisation, and therefrom innovate and start the change process. Cecilia Nordén, Enterprise Architect at IRM and Thomas Larsson, Innovation Coach at Proaktivt, shows how to accelerate innovation and facilitate change with the support of a Milky Way map.

This course is great for anyone who not yet has created their own Milky Way map, but wants to know what benefits you can get from it in change initiatives. During the course we will work on a fictive company's Milky Way map.

Welcome 24th September 2020!

Read about the course The Milky Way - Accelerate Innovation


  • Företagande, allmänt


  • the milky way
  • enterprise architecture
  • irm academy


Linda Lilliesköld

Presskontakt Digital kommunikatör 08-58501100

Jane Theobald

Presskontakt 08-58501100