Jarl Ulf Jungnelius, MD, joins Isofol Medical’s Board of Directors

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Jarl Ulf Jungnelius, MD, joins Isofol Medical’s Board of Directors

Isofol Medical AB today announced that Jarl Ulf Jungnelius, MD, oncologist and Vice President of Oncology, Global Solid Tumors at Celgene, was elected to Isofol Medical’s Board of Directors. Ulf is a member of both the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). He is also a clinical advisor to Karolinska Development AB.
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Jarl Ulf Jungnelius, MD, joins Isofol Medical’s Board of Directors

Isofol Medical AB today announced that Jarl Ulf Jungnelius, MD, oncologist and Vice President of Oncology, Global Solid Tumors at Celgene, was elected to Isofol Medical’s Board of Directors. Ulf is a member of both the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). He is also a clinical advisor to Karolinska Development AB.