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Andreas and Jessica Bäckman joins TCR Europe SIM Racing. Photo: Racers - Behind the helmet
Andreas and Jessica Bäckman joins TCR Europe SIM Racing. Photo: Racers - Behind the helmet

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Bäckman siblings joins TCR Europe SIM Racing Series

The Swedish racing siblings Andreas and Jessica Bäckman are still waiting to start their racing season. As a complement to the wait, TCR Europe launched a brand-new e-sport racing series. The siblings were today presented as two of the drivers joining the series.
– We are very excited to be competing in sim-racing. It will be a new challenge to being able to race virtually, says Jessica Bäckman.

Today, the Bäckman siblings from the North of Sweden are announcing their participation in TCR Europe SIM Racing. This series is for the real-world drivers to compete against each other in a seven-event sim racing calendar in virtual e-sport racing. The drivers will race virtually at the same tracks as they will face in the real-life racing later this year.

– E-sports and Sim-Racing has been getting a lot of attention lately, so it’s nice that TCR Europe is jumping on the Sim-Racing trend. Both for the fans and the drivers it’s great opportunity to enjoy some racing during these difficult times right now in the world, says Andreas Bäckman.

Andreas’ and Jessica’s virtual Hyundai i30 N TCR cars for the TCR Europe SIM Racing Series.
Photo: WSC Group/TCR Europe

Same tracks, same cars
The first event of the Sim Racing series kicks off this weekend on Saturday (May 2nd) at the virtual Spa-Francorchamps circuit in Belgium. All the track layouts in the series will be identical to the real-world tracks. The tracks are scanned with precision to simulate all the details to make it as realistic as possible.

When it comes to the cars, all current TCR Europe cars will be available for the drivers to choose from. Andreas and Jessica will be driving the same cars as they did last year, Hyundai i30 N TCR, but now in a brand-new livery and the same design that they will be using on track later on this year when the season starts.

– One cool thing about the sim-racing is that it’s possible to design the cars so they look very realistic and almost identical to the real car, says Jessica Bäckman.

Follow the action LIVE on TCR Social Media platforms
The first Sim-Racing event this weekend will be live-streamed at TCR’s social media platforms Facebook, YouTube and Twitch, as well as on the TCR TV website. The format will be very similar to the usual TCR Europe format, with one Qualifying session and two races, where Race 2 has a reverse-grid order for the Top 10 finishers from Race 1.

Here is the time-schedule for this weekend's first event on Saturday May 2nd:
18:55 Live Streaming Starts
19:00 Qualifying
19:24 Race 1
19:58 Race 2
20:25 Interviews with the drivers

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Racingsyskonen Andreas och Jessica Bäckman inledde sina respektive racingkarriärer som blott 9 och 7 år gamla. De har genom åren tävlat i stora förarmästerskap som STCC, Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, och den brittiska motsvarigheten TCR UK, med fantastiska framgångar som resultat. Under 2019 tävlade syskonen i prestigefyllda TCR Europe tillsammans med det flerfaldigt prisbelönta, italienska teamet Target Competition. Syskonens tävlingsbilar är varsin Hyundai i30 N TCR.

The racing siblings Andreas and Jessica Bäckman started their racing careers as 9 and 7 years old. They have during the years been competing in big championships like STCC, Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, and the British counterpart TCR UK, with fantastic success as results. During 2019 the sibilings competed in the prestigious TCR Europe together with the multiple award winning Italian team Target Competition. The siblings racecars are Hyundai i30 N TCR.

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Följ syskonen Bäckmans resa mot racingtoppen!

Racingsyskonen Andreas och Jessica Bäckman inledde sina respektive racingkarriärer som blott 9 och 7 år gamla. De har genom åren tävlat i stora förarmästerskap som STCC, Scandinavian Touring Car Championship, och den brittiska motsvarigheten TCR UK, samt i europamästerskapet TCR Europe, med fantastiska framgångar som resultat. Under 2023 tävlar syskonen för första gången i samma bil och samma mästerskap där de tävlar i GT4 European Series för racing one.