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Oscar Rolfsson, CEO Navigo Invest (publ)

JOOL Group holding Navigo Invest published its Q2 earnings

On Thursday, JOOL Group holding Navigo Invest published its Q2 earnings. Equity research firm Redeye provided its initial take on the report, which came in just slightly below the firm’s estimates.
“We judge that positives from the report include better-than-expected sales and profits of Vinga Group, while Chemgroup’s and Geogruppen’s figures roughly aligned with our projections. Notable negat

ESS-ENN Timber avyttrar limfogsverksamheten till VTI

ESS-ENN Timber avyttrar limfogsverksamheten till VTI

JOOL Group-ägda ESS-ENN Timber AB och det danska företaget VTI A/S har tecknat avtal om inkråmsöverlåtelse av ESS-ENN Timbers limfogsverksamhet. Genom överlåtelsen tar VTI A/S över limfogsverksamheten, inklusive befintliga kundavtal och bolagets limfogvarumärke FixBoard.

The sound of paper: Lessebo Paper Player transforms texture into music

The sound of paper: Lessebo Paper Player transforms texture into music

JOOL Group holding Lessebo Paper has embarked on an innovative experiment, inviting Rördrom – one of Sweden’s most interesting artist duos to explore one, slightly odd question: how do embossed paper patterns sound? The result is Lessebo Paper Player – a device translating the silent elegance of paper into a captivating sound experience.
We’re familiar with how paper feels – the soft fragr

Lessebo Paper, Livonia Print and Bonnier Books launches Livonia Recycled by Lessebo Paper: a new milestone in sustainable paper production

Lessebo Paper, Livonia Print and Bonnier Books launches Livonia Recycled by Lessebo Paper: a new milestone in sustainable paper production

Lessebo Paper, Livonia Print and Bonnier Books have cooperated for some years with the objective of reducing the environmental impact of book production. The cooperation resulted in in the launch of “Livonia Zero Offset by Lessebo Paper” in the beginning of 2023. Today, a new product is launched – “Livonia Recycled by Lessebo Paper” produced from unprinted paper waste from Livonia Print.

Magnus Olsson, CEO of Hallins Måleriservice in Jönköping, and JOODIN CEO Martin Odin

JOODIN continues to expand – Revenues at SEK 75 million following multiple acquisitions

The painting and flooring group JOODIN is a young, rapidly growing company with a clear acquisition strategy. Earlier this spring, the company acquired a majority position in Karlskrona-based PetRob's Måleri, and recently, the renowned Hallins Måleriservice in Jönköping also joined the group. After a total of four acquisitions since its inception, the group now has about 60 employees and an annual

Olga Danilovic, WTA-vinnare av Nordea Open 2023. Foto Johan Lilja

Jool Group fortsätter som Huvudpartner till Nordea Open

Jool Group fortsätter som huvudpartner till Nordea Open över 2024. Det möjliggör för World Childhood Foundation att fortsätta verka på den klassiska mötesplatsen. World Childhood Foundation arbetar för att förebygga våld och sexuella övergrepp mot barn. Jool Group är en viktig partner till Childhood som kommer kunna fortsätta belysa sina frågor under tennisveckorna 8 till 21 juli 2024.

JOOL's financial operations change name to Vinga

JOOL's financial operations change name to Vinga

In April 2023, Swedish investment company Pegroco Invest AB acquired JOOL’s financial operations through an equity transaction where JOOL Group became Pegroco’s largest shareholder. In connection with the transaction, the acquired business has changed its brand name from JOOL to Vinga, highlighting its international service offering and the shared connection to western Sweden, where both J

Hjälper fastighetsbolag finansiera hållbart!

Hjälper fastighetsbolag finansiera hållbart!

För fastighetssektorn har energieffektivisering blivit ett normaltillstånd i takt med högre energipriser. Samtidigt ökar EU-kraven på hållbarhetsrapportering, även för små och medelstora företag. JOOL har rest över en miljard i gröna obligationer och konstaterar att det finns mer investerarkapital tillgängligt för fastighetsbolag som vill växa hållbart.

Pegroco Invest AB acquires JOOL Capital Partner AB’s financial operations

Pegroco Invest AB acquires JOOL Capital Partner AB’s financial operations

Pegroco Invest AB (“Pegroco”) has entered into a share sale and purchase agreement regarding the acquisition of a number of JOOL Capital Partner AB’s operating subsidiaries. The transaction expands and broadens Pegroco’s company portfolio at the same time as it strengthens the company’s position as a western Swedish player on the capital market.

SEK 140m bond issue for Rotunda Fastigheter AB has been successfully completed with JOOL as advisor

SEK 140m bond issue for Rotunda Fastigheter AB has been successfully completed with JOOL as advisor

The bond issue was well received by the market and attracted strong interest from both Nordic and International high-quality investors. The issue ended up being oversubscribed, in total SEK 147m.
The bond bears a coupon of 12 % p.a. + STIBOR/EURIBOR 3m with quarterly interest payments. Maturity is 30 months plus an extension option of 12 months. The proceeds from the bond issue will be used for

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Welcome to JOOL Group!

About the JOOL Group

The JOOL Group is a family owned corporate group, rooted in Swedish industrial tradition. With our main activities in the financial services, paper, timber and tech industries, our passion is entrepreneurship – both our own and that of others. Our philosophy is to be active and long term owners, developing businesses through a combination of entrepreneurial spirit and common sense.

JOOL Group
JOOL Group

Södra Hamngatan 19-21
41114 Göteborg