Seeflex 040E - Datasheet

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Seeflex 040E - Datasheet

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  • Anläggningsindustri


  • bfm fi
  • connector
  • flexible connector
  • hose
  • hoseclamp
  • sleeve


Brian Vickmann

Presskontakt Key Account Manager Salg 4527131390

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Introduction of High Tech Flexible Connector Components – Improving Hygiene + saving production costs + improving effiency --- A true option in processing materials in food, pharmaceutical and other industries ?

The BFM®fitting was a product they identified immediately as an innovation which would be a revolution for the processing industry. Even in the most advanced processing plants flexible connections had been neglected in the past. It was considered to be normal that material would flow out of flexible connectors, which were installed commonly with hose clips.

Introduction of High Tech Flexible Connector Components – Improving Hygiene + saving production costs + improving effiency --- A true option in processing materials in food, pharmaceutical and other industries ?

The BFM®fitting was a product they identified immediately as an innovation which would be a revolution for the processing industry. Even in the most advanced processing plants flexible connections had been neglected in the past. It was considered to be normal that material would flow out of flexible connectors, which were installed commonly with hose clips.

BFM fitting - New improved flexible connector

JP Air Tech will at the Scanautomatic & ProcessTeknik 2012 fair, present the new Seeflex 040E. Seeflex 040E is an improvement of the BFM® fitting system, with this new material the Seeflex 040E sleeve, now can handle temperature up till 120 Cel.