Nyhet -

Debate at Bajit

A new season of Debate at Bajit kicks off on April 12th, with a panel discussion in English about safe-space policies and their impact on freedom of speech. Speakers to be confirmed.

Debate at Bajit is organized by Judiska Församlingen, in collaboration with The Robert Weil Family Foundation and Judisk Krönika.

Debate at Bajit
April 12th, 18:30 – 20:00.

Who needs ”safe spaces”?

Demands for so-called safe spaces first appeared at universities in the US where safe-space policies were used to indicate that LGBT students should feel welcome on campus. The term has since been extended, with all kinds of groups and individuals now demanding access to safe spaces as well as pushing the idea that society at large should offer protection from inflammatory or offensive views.

But critics say that the university in particular should be treated as a ”free-speech zone” where one should be able to air – and challenge – all sorts of ideas and opinions. There is no right to be protected from views and words, critics argue.

Many groups and individuals feel threatened today, including the Jewish minority. But can words really be dangerous and create insecurity in the same way as actions can? Should words, expressions and attitudes be treated as a potential threat or security risk?


Dr Joanna Williams. Academic, education editor at online magazine Spiked, author of Women Vs. Feminism and Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity.

More speakers to be confirmed.

Moderator: Nathalie Rothschild, journalist and co-ordinator of Debate at Bajit.

To register for the event, email john.gradowski@jfst.se by April 8th at the latest.. Tickets cost 80kr (70kr for JF members). Pay by Swish: 1230018549. Mark the payment “debate1”.
Debate at Bajit is organized by Judiska Församlingen, in collaboration with the Robert Weil Family Foundation and Judisk Krönika.


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John Gradowski