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Innovative power at sea

For Knightec, innovation is crucial to be relevant as a company in the long term. Knightec's innovative initiatives are based partly on innovative technologies and partly on a reliable, secure, and scalable infrastructure. That insight drives us forward together with our clients.

One of the most exciting technologies of our time that will fundamentally affect transportation in the future is autonomous vehicles. An area that is under constant development and where we at Knightec have positioned ourselves well.

Jonas Back is one of our skilled consultants who has worked to better control shipping through intelligent autonomy for a long time.

- It is a continuous development where you always have to take new steps. It is very complex to get the systems to act the way a human being does. It continually drives us forward, says Jonas.

Jonas has several years of experience in software and autonomous platforms. Electronics and vehicles have always been of great interest. In a meeting with Jonas, it immediately appears that he is an innovative and dedicated engineer with many tasks on his list. The fact that he is currently developing autonomous boats was more about chance than an active choice.

When one of the shipyards in Örnsköldsvik became a person shortly after a sick leave, they asked for help from Knightec, and Jonas was introduced to the project. It was a great match. The assignment has been extended to three years, thanks to Jonas's skills. Together with a team, he works to produce and manage the data needed to train self-propelled boats. Jonas is a curious and inspiring coworker, and his competence has been valuable in this multifaceted assignment that requires you to be prepared for the unprepared.

- As recently as a few weeks ago, we ended up in a situation that involved changing the entire schedule. Together with other driving actors in the project, we would test-drive the boat from Örnsköldsvik to Stockholm the next day. But within a couple of hours, we realized that the weather was against us. All you had to do was go home quickly and pack and then throw away to keep to the schedule. As a result, we were able to try night driving in a sharp mode for the first time. Very encouraging that we became so spontaneous.

It will be at least two days on the lake for Jonas every week, mainly to investigate new functions developed and put the newly developed variables in the context.

- Getting the chance to work like this is very rewarding and exciting. I do not know what I will face when I get to work. There will be an immediate response, and we can follow and see what works and vice versa. For me, it gives extra energy. Developing this type of product is very concrete and provides a direct dividend. We in the team see pretty quickly what is workable and what is not.

The project is a collaboration between several major players with the EU as the client. The assignment includes a direct request and dedicated money for research and development of autonomous vehicles. An exciting task from several aspects, which will most likely make a difference for the future.

The autonomous development is underway with increasing demand from varying markets around the world. With our innovative strategy for unique autonomous challenges, we can guarantee efficient delivery, with safety and sustainability as the highest priority. We help our clients achieve intelligent solutions that meet the requirements of the future.


  • Företagande


  • automatisering
  • innovation
  • teknik
  • utveckling


Jens Kallin

Presskontakt Chief Marketing Officer Marketing and Communication +46 70-875 44 18

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