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World Architecture Festival 2021 shortlists Kunskapshuset (House of Knowledge)
The prestigious World Architecture Festival Award 2021 has shortlisted Kunskapshuset, designed by Liljewall in cooperation with MAF Arkitektkontor, in the category School - Completed Buildings. The centrally located school host the municipality’s upper secondary school and adult learning centres of Gällivare, a small Swedish settlement situated just above the Arctic circle. Using the Sami culture, the Arctic nature, and the substantial mining industry as inspiration, the six storey-high school has been designed as a landmark telling the story of the local culture and the area. This year’s World Architecture Festival will be held in Lisbon, Portugal between 1-3 December.
North of the Arctic Circle, two cities are about to become one, as Malmberget is moved due to mining activities and will share city centre with nearby Gällivare town. Through citizen dialogues and contact with local businesses and other stakeholders, the municipality has decided upon a vision of creating a ‘world-class Arctic small town’. The school was the first building to be built as part of the extensive social transformation Gällivare is facing, and the approximately 15 000 square meters building houses nearly 1000 students and teachers, which are a great tribute to the everyday life in the small town. It is open to the public in parts. The entrance hall with stairs and a platform for students and citizens to sit down at are open to anyone, as well as the café facing the square.
— We have worked hard to maintain the character and design of the house in order to deliver the visions we had illustrated. Our ambition has always been for the students to have a unique experience of their new school, and to become one of the projects that have been shortlisted by World Architecture Festival is incredible and very, very fun, says Lars Olausson, Lead Design Architect at Liljewall.
Kunskapshuset has a distinct wooden profile through eye-catching interior and exterior elements in wood. The facade is built from glued laminated timber and glass with vertical wooden pillars positioned in front of the inner load bearers. The pillars, which all have different shapes and cuts, have been placed in pairs, creating varying forms. When passers-by walk alongside the school there is an impression of variability and rhythm. From certain angles the school appears solid, while from others it appears to be completely glazed. The asymmetrical design breaks down the building’s scale and gives it an enduring and powerful architectural character. Great emphasis has been placed on creating a flexible and attractive educational environment, equipped for future change and development needs. The architecture is a way to make students proud of their school and hopefully inspired to do great things in the future.
— The fact that Kunskapshuset is shortlisted and keep obtaining international attention is of great value to Liljewall and Gällivare. It has been a very special project in many ways, and we are very proud and happy to be one of the chosen attendees, says Niclas Sundgren, CEO at Liljewall.
World Architecture Festival, now in its thirteenth year, is the world’s largest festival and live awards competition dedicated to celebrating and sharing architectural excellence from across the globe. This year’s World Architecture Festival will be held in Lisbon, Portugal between 1-3 December.
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Liljewall är ett av Sveriges ledande arkitektkontor med drygt 250 arkitekter och ingenjörer i Göteborg, Stockholm, Malmö och Buenos Aires. Projekten vi åtar oss inkluderar alla sorters byggnader och byggd miljö från idé till förvaltning. Genom skräddarsydda expertteam kryddade med know-how inom BIM, hållbarhet, träbyggnad, ljusdesign, visualisering & grafisk design skapar vi hållbar arkitektur som känns i hjärtat.
Liljewall genomsyras av delaktighet, kreativitet och erfarenhet. Vi värderar långsiktiga relationer och samarbeten och möter dig genom dialog, lyhördhet och nyfikenhet. Resultatet blir väl förankrad och vasst gestaltad arkitektur.