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A brand new Mavera – ready to reshape the industry. Again.

Ten years ago, we signed our first clients. Looking back, we have to say it has been a marvelous journey – and quite a remarkable one. Little did we know (although hoping, of course) that we would reshape the whole industry of personal injury claims. We want to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you who have been a part in taking us where we are today: the leading solution provider of medical claims assessments in the Nordic countries.

Our company was founded on the belief that everybody is entitled to a fair and efficient claims assessment, which was not the case back then. We wanted to show the industry why it is imperative that medical assessment be independently handled. Today, we are happy to say that we, together with our clients and partners, have made personal claims assessments not only independent, but also digital and efficient, shortening the turnaround time of medical cases to less than 48 hours.

What is even more important are the 250 000 claims that we have handled, enabling us to implement industry best practice in our process.

And now what? It’s a brand new world

One might think that we would now be content, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Rather, you could say that it is in our DNA to spot how things could be done better – and then make sure it happens! Unfortunately, we still see an industry that, on a whole, is too inefficient, with too many manual tasks and processes, with sometimes arbitrary assessments, and one that is frankly a bit behind when it comes to digitalization. So, there is still much to do and our goal for the next coming ten years is to, again, be that disruptive force!

So, how are we going to do that? First of all, we need to realize that digitalization really changes everything. And it is happening fast. This offers both great opportunities, but also a few challenges. What do we do with the evergrowing amount of data – and, more importantly, how do we turn big data into smart data?

Secondly, how does the industry adapt to an emerging kind of new and digitally savvy consumer, who expects their insurance company to be like their internet bank or streaming service in terms of transparency, digitalization and service? A consumer who wants – and expects – to be actively involved rather than just a passive receiver of information?

These two questions, and about a million more, have been on our minds for a while. And now it is time for us to show the world how we are intending to handle them – and start the next ten-year-period of once again reshaping the industry!

Welcome to the future!

This fall, we are launching several new solutions that will make personal claims handling even more fair, secure and efficient. Among other things, we are introducing AI technology to make use of truly data driven medical advice and thus creating automated assessments and reports, as well as automated quality controls. We are also creating intelligent support for both the claims handler and the medical advisor. This will enable more secure assessments, increased quality and business intelligence.

Furthermore, we have created a more modern way of communicating with both the injured party as well as the health care facility.

To further emphasize the big changes that are taking place in our company, we have developed a new visual identity, one that we think better reflects the spirit of change and drive that characterizes our company. While we were at it, we decided to develop a new web page. Make sure to check it out at!

To do all we have set out to do, we realized we needed a few more colleagues. We have recently recruited to some key positions that will help us grow in the Nordics and eventually into new markets. We would not be surprised if we were soon to realize that we needed to recruit a few more.

These are a few of the things that are happening in our corner of the world right now. You will hear more from us – and about us. We hope that you will want to join us in our effort to reshape the industry a second time around!

Mario Pereira Founder & Roine Gabrielsson CEO


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  • Stockholm


Mavera grundades 2008 utifrån övertygelsen att alla ska ha rätt till en effektiv och rättvis försäkringsmedicinsk bedömning. Genom en avancerad it-plattform, ett stort nätverk av oberoende medicinska rådgivare och data från över tio års hantering, möjliggör vi välgrundade och kvalitetssäkrade beslut. Bland våra kunder återfinns flertalet av Nordens ledande försäkringbolag, advokatbyråer och olika nämnder. Läs mer på


Viktor Norlander

Presskontakt Marketing Manager 0732444332