Nyhet -

Tentative Timetable for launch of .EU

Following conclusion of contractual matter with the European Commission and, more recently, with ICANN, EURid have the green light to prepare for launch of .eu. EURid hope to start the .eu sunrise period before the end of 2005 and the timetable below gives an indication of the tasks to be undertaken and target dates for each.

We will update this timetable with real dates as soon as we can.

Time FrameACTION
12/10/2004Signing of the formal contract with the European Commission to operate the .eu registry (Contract 1)
21/3/2005European Commission must then make an official request to ICANN to recognise EURid as the company selected to operate .eu in order to finalise negations with ICANN to have .eu put in the root
ongoingcontinue amendments to software to reflect the public policy rules and, in particular, the sunrise procedures
March 2005PricewaterhouseCoopers are appointed for validation agent for sunrise period.
Mar/Apr 05engage ADR suppliers and finalise ADR procedures
ongoingpublish job description & begin recruiting staff
June 05Publish proposed .eu Registration Policy -for comment
Aug/Sept 05make available the terms and condition of registration in official EU languages - including ADR provisions
May 05Make available the registrar agreement in all official EU languages. Begin accrediting .eu registrars and publishing names on the web site
ongoingdevelop web site to provide key information in all official EU languages
Aug/Sept 05announce final Registration policy including Sunrise rules and procedures and widely announce Sunrise dates
Aug/Sept 05make registration software available for registrar testing
4th Quarter 2005start phase 1 of sunrise (public bodies and holders of trademarks may apply for the corresponding name)
Start of sunrise+ 2 mthsStart phase 2 of sunrsie period (those eligible to apply in phase 1 plus holders of other rights recognised in the national law of a member state may apply for the corresponding name)
start of sunrise + 4 monthsSunrise period closes and registrations open on a first-come-first-served basis.Validation of names applied for during sunrise continues until task completed

Source: EURid


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