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Economic success gave chance to change the energy industry

After an economic success at a land deal, the plan was crystal clear for the environmentally engaged airline captain Jan Skjoldhammer. Instead of settling down, or continuing to fly, he decided to do something more meaningful with his time and capital. He would develop an innovative and revolutionary wave energy converter (WEC) with the potential to change the entire energy industry.

Given Jan's background as a pilot, he has a burning passion as well as deep expertise in engines, technology, the sea, and large powerful machines. This, combined with both his willingness and ability to contribute to technical solutions, initiated the idea of a high-performing wave energy converter.

Wave energy technology, as such, is not new; it has been experimented with for a few hundred years but without any remarkable success. Other wave energy converters are, of course, out there, but usually, they are too heavy, fragile, complex, and expensive to manufacture, and above all, they provide far too little electrical energy.

- I decided on a completely different approach with the conviction that to succeed, it must be lighter than others, to bring down the cost and to keep it so high in the water that it is not torn by the waves. Likewise, it should be simple, based on well-known technologies, have few parts, and have high efficiency, and not the least, be inexpensive in relation to its output, says Jan Skjoldhammer.

With an awareness that solar and wind power will not suffice for the increased energy demand as well as the knowledge about the oceans' potential, the foundation for the NoviOcean wave energy converter by Novige was established.

- I and the team are convinced that different technologies complement each other, which is a must if we are to solve the climate challenges and the problems surrounding energy access, concludes Jan Skjoldhammer.


  • Science, technology


  • hydro power
  • international
  • marine energy
  • sustainability
  • climate issues


Jan Skjoldhammer

Press contact CEO +46(0)733948417

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