Pressmeddelande -

DON'T SEND AFGHANS BACK - We stop the deportations from Europe!

The 18th of February we participate in the joint protests around Europe against the deportations of youth and adult to Afghanistan. At 12 noon we will fill Sergels Torg in Stockholm!

Time: Sunday 18th of February 12-13.30pm
Place: Sergels torg, Stockholm

Afghanistan is a country at war

Afghanistan is a country at war for almost 40 years back. Talibans control 70% of its territory and IS is seeking to truly establish their activities in the country. The weak government is of no power to protect the citizens. Children, women and men are being sacrificed in an unfathomable/unimaginable and indiscriminate violence without end.

Youths without any family/company are being deported in despite of a complete lack of connections where they come from, despite the risk of being a subject to violence, forceful recruiting into terrorist organisations or torture. Amnesty International states that the number of civilian deaths in Afghanistan is record high and that it violates international law to forcefully deport afghans to this country in conflict.

IN DESPITE OF the life threatening state of security, Sweden and Europe continues to deport youths and adults to the Afghanistan of violence and terror.

That of which is a crime against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Legal uncertainty in the process of asylum

Unaccompanied minors have been a subject to legal uncertainty in the process of asylum. The investigations executed by the Authority of migration as to whether asylum is needed, is lacking the perspective of the legal rights of children. Officers are young, newly employed and inexperienced. Special investigation units in place for children has been removed. A previously untested and gravely criticised method is used to measure the age of asylum seekers. Translators speak the wrong language. Officers lack knowledge of Afghanistan. Errors in protocols are left uncorrected.

Those employed at the Authority of migration warn about legal uncertainty:

Decisions of asylum changed by court:

In despite of this Sweden continues to deport youths and adults to the Afghanistan of violence and terror. That of which is a crime against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We want the deportations to come to an end now. Stand with us on the 18th of February.

We will stop the deportations together!



During the weekend 17-18th of February protests to stop the deportations to Afghanistan take place all over Europe, all of these coordinated under the slogan ”Don't send Afghans back!”

The joint event for all protests in Europe:

Cities in Europe where protests take place:

Cities in Sweden where protests take place::

Arranged by

Elever mot utvisningar

Ung i Sverige #ungisverige

- #vistårinteut


  • Juridik

Yrkes- och volontärnätverket #vistårinteut består av nästan 10 000 professionella och volontärer som som på ett eller annat sätt möter, arbetar med och är engagerade i gruppen ensamkommande barn och unga. Vår Facebooksida följs av mer än 71 000 personer. Vi är politiskt och religiöst obundna. 

Talespersoner/contact #vistårinteut
Kinna Skoglund +4670 – 849 47 32
Sara Edvardson Ehrnborg +4673 – 396 94 18

#vistårinteut ser ensamkommande barn och unga som bärare av rättigheter enligt barnkonventionen och mänskliga rättigheter. 

Vi kräver:

1. Att stat och kommuner omedelbart stoppar omflyttningarna av ensamkommande barn och unga som befinner sig i asylprocess, i suicidpreventivt syfte.

2. Att Migrationsverket fryser alla utvisningar för ensamkommande barn och unga omedelbart utifrån den rättsosäkerhet och brist på kunskap om barnperspektivet som råder på Migrationsverket.

3. Att våra politiker tar beslut om amnesti för alla ensamkommande barn och unga som varit i Sverige mer än ett år.

The network #vistårinteut, "We can't stand it", contents almost 10 000 teachers, psychologists, social workers, lawyers, nurses, aid workers and volunteers. Our Facebookpage has more than 71 000 followers. We are not affiliated to any political party or religious group.

The movement #vistårinteut demands

1. That the Swedish Migration Agency immediately freezes all deportations of all unaccompanied minors and youth due to the legal uncertainty and lack of knowledge of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which currently is predominant at the Swedish Migration Agency

2. That our politicians grant a refugee amnesty giving asylum to all children and youth who have been in Sweden for more than a year

3. That the state and local governments immediately stop the relocation within Sweden of thousands of unaccompanied minors and youth during their asylum process as a mean to prevent more suicides in Sweden by young refugees

We are not politically affiliated to any political party and we are not affiliated to any religious group.


Kinna Skoglund

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