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Report about Legal Uncertainties in the Asylum Process For Unaccompanied Minors in Sweden

Since September 2016, the network "Vi Star Inte Ut" ("We Can't Stand It") have received hundreds of testimonies from the network’s members regarding legal incoherencies in the asylum process of unaccompanied minors that put the rights of each individual to a fair procedure at risk. We began collecting examples in June and July 2017. In this report, we have complied about a hundred cases that we consider representative of the numerous faults within Sweden’s current asylum process.

The network “Vi star inte ut” (VSIU) (“We Can’t Stand It) is comprised of Swedish professionals and volunteers all meeting and working with unaccompanied minors and young asylum seekers in Sweden. A teacher, two social workers and a social educator created the network in September 2016. It immediately expanded and currently consists of more than 10 000 professionals and non-profit volunteers: teachers, social workers, doctors, psychologists, legal guardians, school nurses, nurses, lawyers, foster families, football coaches, and school principals, among others.

We encounter unaccompanied minors and young asylum seekers in our professions, organisations, schools, housing arrangements for unaccompanied minors, social services, hospitals, clinics and our homes. Beyond the wide proficiency and expertise that our members possess through their varied and often long experiences in their respective fields, we take into account the fact that Sweden has agreed to comply with a number of international laws and conventions that regulate the treatment of young asylum seekers: the 1951 UN conventions for refugees; the UN convention of children’s rights; the EU asylum process directory; and the European convention for human rights.

Since September 2016, we have received hundreds of testimonies from the network’s members regarding legal incoherencies in the asylum process of unaccompanied minors that put the rights of each individual to a fair procedure at risk. In order to communicate these errors, we began collecting examples in June and July 2017. In this report, we have complied about a hundred cases that we consider representative of the numerous faults within Sweden’s current asylum process.

This collection of examples provides evidence that Sweden’s current procedure of handling asylum claims contains serious errors and that the process does not comply with the EU asylum process directory and the European convention for human rights. The joint annex points directly to paragraphs from the EU asylum process directory that has not been followed in a satisfactory and legal way.


  • Juridik

Yrkes- och volontärnätverket #vistårinteut består av drygt 10 000 professionella och volontärer som som på ett eller annat sätt möter, arbetar med och är engagerade i gruppen ensamkommande barn och ungdomar. Vi jobbar bland annat i skolan, på HVB- hem, inom socialtjänst, psykiatri, vård eller i familjehem. Många av oss har mångårig erfarenhet av att arbeta med och möta gruppen ensamkommande. Vår Facebooksida följs och gillas av drygt 72 000 personer. 

Talespersoner/contact #vistårinteut
Kinna Skoglund +4670 – 849 47 32
Sara Edvardson Ehrnborg +4673 – 396 94 18

#vistårinteut ser ensamkommande barn och ungdomar som bärare av rättigheter enligt barnkonventionen och mänskliga rättigheter. 

Vi kräver:

1. Att stat och kommuner omedelbart stoppar omflyttningarna av ensamkommande barn och unga som befinner sig i asylprocess, i suicidpreventivt syfte.

2. Att Migrationsverket fryser alla utvisningar för ensamkommande barn och unga omedelbart utifrån den rättsosäkerhet och brist på kunskap om barnperspektivet som råder på Migrationsverket.

3. Att våra politiker tar beslut om amnesti för alla ensamkommande barn och unga som varit i Sverige mer än ett år.

The network #vistårinteut, "We can't stand this", was jumpstarted eleven months ago by more than 10 000 teachers, psychologists, social workers, lawyers, nurses, aid workers, voluntary families and many more. We have over 72 000 persons agreeing with us by liking and following our Facebook page.

The movement #vistårinteut demands

1. That the Swedish Migration Agency immediately freezes all deportations of all unaccompanied minors and youth due to the legal uncertainty and lack of knowledge of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which currently is predominant at the Swedish Migration Agency

2. That our politicians grant a refugee amnesty giving asylum to all children and youth who have been in Sweden for more than a year

3. That the state and local governments immediately stop the relocation within Sweden of thousands of unaccompanied minors and youth during their asylum process as a mean to prevent more suicides in Sweden by young refugees

We are not politically affiliated to any political party and we are not affiliated to any religious group.


Kinna Skoglund

Presskontakt Presskontakt 0708-494732

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