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New business partner and international recognition for OnDosis

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New business partner and international recognition for OnDosis

OnDosis wants to revolutionize the way we take our medicines. The idea is that every single patient, in the easiest possible way, shall get precisely the right amount of medicine and thus lead a better life. Now the company begins a cooperation with Opatus, whose digital tool objectively scales symptoms of ADHD patients. In addition, OnDosis recently received a double recognition at the largest conference concerning ADHD and related diseases in USA—and there is a growing interest in the company in other areas too.

“This is the perfect start of an intensive 2021”, says Martin Olovsson, CEO OnDosis, who is very pleased with a first, cooperation within digital therapies being signed.

OnDosis and Opatus—perfect complements

“The cooperation with Opatus has an enormous potentials. And it feels even better to join forces with another health tech company from our home city, Göteborg, in what is for many a crucial issue to live a better everyday life,” says Martin Olovsson.

Petter Knagenhjelm, CEO Opatus, agrees: “Together with the groundbreaking technology of OnDosis when it comes to personalized dosage, we can solve important ADHD related problems.”

With OnDosis innovative solution every patient gets exactly the right amount of medicine in the easiest possible way, thanks to an intelligent and connected handheld device. The medicine is administered as small grains (granules) instead of pills and capsules. This means that the dose can always be adjusted to fit the individual’s needs and altered if necessary.

That last bit is extremely important for, among others, patients with an ADHD diagnosis. Here, there is a unique fit between OnDosis and Opatus. The Opatus tool, which is controlled by a smartphone, gives the doctor an objectively scaled assessment of the three core symptoms of ADHD (inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity). This becomes a part of the basis for decisions on whether a medication needs changing. If that should be the case, the doctor can immediately adjust the dose delivered by the OnDosis device. The result is that the effect of the medication is optimized.

“With this collaboration we take another step towards fulfilling what it is all about for us at OnDosis: that every person deserves the chance of the best possible life,” says Martin Olovsson.

Double recognition for the OnDosis technology in USA

Things are not just accelerating at home. At the annual conference of The American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD, 15-17 January), one of the big names within American psychology and psychiatry, Dr. Stephen V Faraone, presented OnDosis’ technology. He pointed out that OnDosis can help with a growing problem that has set off the alarm bells at FDA – the misuse of prescribed medicines.

Dr. Faraone said: “The OnDosis technology has the potential to increase the barrier to nonmedical use and diversion of prescription stimulants by reducing the patient’s possibility to access more medication than prescribed, by limiting the availability of the medication to others, and by leaving a digital trace.”

Martin Olovsson is equally pleased that the company, at the same conference, was invited to show a poster. Its content focuses on how users in a fresh study considers the interface of OnDosis to be clear, intuitive and how it is both easy to navigate and dose the medicine.

“To get such a broad visibility at APSARD is a real boost for us and our partner Tiefenbacher Group. It signals that our solution works for patients and that there is a huge interest in the change we strive for when it comes to how patients take their medicines.”

OnDosis is ready to make a difference in other areas too

While OnDosis is gaining ground within the ADHD Field, Martin Olovsson emphasizes that the solution is just as important for patients with other diagnoses where individualized dosage is imperative, including epilepsy, pain, cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

“By bridging traditional medicine, individual medication and digital health, OnDosis attracts a lot of interest, from larger and smaller pharmaceutical companies as well as from innovative entities within digital health,” Martin Olovsson says and concludes: “2021 has got off to a very good start, but the revolution has just begun.”

For more information, please contact:

Martin Olovsson, CEO OnDosis
Phone +46 76 772 85 01




Martin Olovsson

Martin Olovsson

Presskontakt CEO Ondosis +46 76-772 85 01

OnDosis – Changing the game, one dose at a time

Founded as a spin-out from AstraZeneca in 2017, OnDosis is a Swedish start-up addressing one of the major opportunities in healthcare; personalized dosage of medicines. The proprietary technology platform is centered around a connected handheld dosing device that delivers tailored doses of oral medicines. By combining individual dosing of traditional drug-based medicines augmented by digital therapeutics, OnDosis opens a new chapter in personalized medicine where the mission is to improve patients’ life through delivering the perfect dosage; individualized, intuitive, and intelligent.

OnDosis AB

Pepparedsleden 1
431 50 Mölndal