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Frankfurt, Germany – Philips today presented a range of lighting innovations for professionals and consumers at the world’s leading lighting and architecture fair, Light + Building 2012.

“LED Lighting plays a unique role in creating meaningful experiences for people and delivers significant energy savings,” said Frans van Houten, Chief Executive Officer of Philips. “Today we are proud to present a broad array of LED lighting solutions designed to create inspiring ambiences both in buildings and outdoors while reducing energy consumption and operational costs.”

A full switch to the latest LED lighting would provide energy savings of up to 80% in many applications, and an average of 40% for all lighting. LED technology also offers unprecedented possibilities to digitally control light, to create intelligent and dazzling light experiences.

Intelligent Lighting Solutions for Cities

Lighting accounts for 20% of global electricity use, while public spaces and commercial buildings alone represent 60% of lighting-based electricity use. At Light + Building 2012, Philips presents intelligent LED solutions and controls that offer efficient and flexible lighting for streets, buildings and shops, when and where it is needed. These innovative solutions enable substantial energy savings while making streets safer and buildings more comfortable, and creating more attractive shopper experiences to drive sales.
Delivering Great Quality Light

The new range of LED bulbs demonstrates Philips’ leadership in LED technology. They are designed to emit warm white light similar to traditional lamps, with dramatic energy savings (up to 90% less energy consumption) and a lifespan of up to 25 years. Also recognizing that people have varied preferences in light tone, Philips has developed the unique DimTone feature that allows light to be adjusted simultaneously in intensity and color, from bright to warm light, to create the ambience of choice by means of a dimmer.

Lighting Design Innovation

Philips has been recognized for innovation in lighting design, winning nine iF Product Design awards in 2012 for its consumer luminaires. At Light + Building 2012, the company proudly presents its latest line-up of LED design luminaires for the home.

New technologies such as OLED are re-defining lighting design, with their thin form and diffused light quality. Philips demonstrates both its design expertise and technological mastery, presenting breathtaking OLED installations and solutions at the show.

Philips’ innovation highlights at Light + Building 2012 include –

  • CityTouch intelligent light management system for city-wide street lighting 
  • Light Balancing solution from Philips and Somfy that intelligently manages the balance of artificial lighting and natural daylight in offices
  • Extended range of Philips’ innovative PureDetail LED solution for fashion retail 
  • 75W LED replacement bulb for both consumer and professional applications 
  • Nick-Knack design luminaire for homes based on the Italian animated series ‘’La Linea’’
  • A new high performance Lumiblade OLED panel for general lighting applications

For more information, please visit the Philips Light + Building 21012 page and Philips Lighting

For further information, please contact

Shai Dewan
Philips Lighting Communications
Tel: + 31 6 20 69 58 22

Jeannet Harpe
Philips Lighting Communications
Tel: + 31 40 27 56 299

Pia Lindhe
Philips Corporate Communication Nordics
Tel: +46 702 04 22 18


  • Livsstil, mode, fritid


  • kontorsbelysning
  • utomhusbelysning
  • led
  • hembelysning
  • belysning
  • philips lighting
  • light + building 2012

Om Philips

Royal Philips Electronics, Holland (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHI), är ett företag inom hälsa och välbefinnande som fokuserar på att förbättra människors liv genom innovationer. Företaget är världsledande inom området hälsa, livsstil och ljus. Philips förenar teknik och design i lösningar som sätter människan i centrum som grundar sig på förståelse för individen och Philips varumärkeslöfte ”sense and simplicity”.

Huvudkontoret ligger i Holland och Philips har 122 000 anställda i mer än 100 länder. Med en försäljning på 22,6 miljarder euro 2011, är företaget marknadsledande inom hjärt- och akutvård samt vård i hemmet, energieffektiva nya ljuslösningar såväl som livsstilsprodukter för personligt välbefinnande och nöje. Philips är dessutom ledande inom rakning och grooming för män, bärbar underhållning och tandvård. 

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Anne-Cathrine Tjørnehøj

Presskontakt Press Contact for Lighting Philips Lighting Tel: +45 403 308 06

Anna Ekholm

Presskontakt Sr Marketing Specialist Healthcare Nordic Healthcare Nordic +46 708322109

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