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The Beauty of the SaaS business model.

Find something you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

Everyone’s been exposed to the clang of that cheesy sentence hovering above.

However, for those of us who truly love our jobs, that phrase resonates an undisputed truth. I am the Marketing Lead at Kodiak Rating, a SaaS(software-as-a-service) company aiding procurement professionals to know their suppliers with better business intelligence.

I love my job.

Not because I necessarily love what I do at the company (which I do by the way), but rather the value our company — and business model — provide to our customers. SaaS is a business model built upon, rather, altruistic ideals. Software may be the word often in focus, but the software is merely a means for providing relentless service.

SaaS is defined as: “Software that is owned, delivered, and managed remotely by one or more providers” (Gartner).

The days of glacial traditional on-premise software models, and their implementation teams, are long past due. SaaS offers customers capabilities that are unmatched by the likes of traditional software.

Businesses globally — within nearly every business domain — are facing a digital transformation.

SaaS vendors are, and will remain to be, at the forefront of the current technology shift. “Analysts from Forrester Research estimated the average market value growth at 56.2% annually and forecast that it will continue to burgeon by 2020 at a speed of 18.9% per year” (Chrzanowska 2016).

For some, the adoption of SaaS technology is already a reality. For those who remain unconvinced… that’s why this post exists!

This is: The beauty of the SaaS Model

I’d like to preface this post by clarifying that any, and all, the points made below exist to exhibit the benefits of adopting SaaS business model as a customer, not as a SaaS vendor.

Democracy at its finest

Software-as-a-Service offers a business model, and value proposition that mirrors democracy.

Let me explain...


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  • business


Sam Jenks

Press contact Communications Lead Communications and Marketing 0703644132

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