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Mitt Liv at Hello Europe Migration Policy Conference

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Mitt Liv at Hello Europe Migration Policy Conference

Last week Mitt Liv participated in Hello Europe’s EU Migration Policy Conference. Policy makers, local and national governments, business sector and social entrepreneurs met to co-create and discuss innovative solutions to the massive problem of migration and integration. “It was great to meet like-minded people who have similar services or perspectives but in rather different contexts, explains Jimmy Antonsson who represented Mitt Liv in the conference.

The summit gathered more than 150 people from around the world representing different fields. Mitt Liv was one of the ten participating social enterprises in the conference. Mitt Liv presented its impact with supporting data and the efforts to mitigate the massive problem with integration in Swedish labor market. Jimmy also shared Mitt Liv's future ambition of scaling up on the European level and beyond.

“By exchanging experience with other social enterprises we can learn from one another. I am confident that Mitt Liv is making a long-lasting impact for immigration in Sweden and inclusion in the society. It’s refreshing to know that there are also innovative solutions in countries such as France, New Zealand, Germany and Ireland,” says Jimmy.

Many participants, both entrepreneurs and policy-makers, were very interested in the business model that Mitt Liv has developed. Mitt Liv is currently a platform for both organizations looking for talents and foreigners wishing to enter the job market. “Our partners realize the business potential of diversity and inclusion, as well as the importance of taking responsibility for social sustainability. It is nice to see the interest and the fact that we are quite unique in terms of how we are organized,” Jimmy elaborates.

Karin Bristedt, the CEO of Mitt Liv, was delighted that Mitt Liv was invited to take part in the summit. “We are truly honored to be part of this fine community of Ashoka and Hello Europe, spreading the good words, sharing our knowledge and experience. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from other fellows and create bigger impact for those mentees, mentors and companies and organizations that we work with.”

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About Hello Europe

Hello Europe is Ashoka’s migration and integration accelerator. The main focus of the Summit was to bridge the gap between social entrepreneurs and the policies affecting migration, refugees and the overall landscape of newcomers. The goal was to bring together citizen sector solutions with policy experts at an EU level in order to create new mechanisms and infrastructures to enable citizen sector solutions to reach people on the move more effectively.




Cecilia Öhrner

Cecilia Öhrner

Press contact Communications Manager, Mitt Liv Communications +46 (0)70 299 40 22
Sofia Appelgren

Sofia Appelgren

Press contact Founder & Country Manager, Switzerland +46 (0) 768 817 815

Sedan 2008 har Mitt Liv arbetat för en inkluderande arbetsmarknad som värdesätter mångfald

Mitt Liv AB (svb) är en strategisk partner och Sveriges största aktör inom mångfald och inkludering. Sedan 2008 har vi verkat för en arbetsmarknad som inkluderar hela befolkningen och all den kompetens som finns, med en övertygelse om att det är en framgångsnyckel för samhället, näringslivet och individen.

Mitt Liv AB (svb)

c/o iOFFICE Vasagatan 12
111 20 Stockholm