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Sally R signs 3-year agreement with CapMan Real Estate

Sally R and CMNRE STÄDET AB (CapMan) has signed a 3-year agreement regarding cloud-based optimization on existing HVAC System. The building, called Städet, is situated in Sollentuna, north of Stockholm city. Städet is a large modern office building, which makes safe indoor air quality (IAQ) crucial, and Sally R will optimize the system to control IAQ while at the same time realizing large energy savings. The project will be delivered in collaboration with IoT and Proptech platform provider Netmore which marks the start of the two companies’ collaboration.

The Sally R and Netmore solutions will in Städet form a highly efficient solution for Capman, where the Netmore proptech platform will be combined with advanced control of existing systems and utilization of IoT data. The end results are control and improvement of indoor air climate as well as significant yearly energy savings

Sally R offers full transparency on IAQ by visualizing both real-time data and historic data in an easy-to-use web interface. This gives Capman (along with its’ tenants) full insight into Air Quality, a burning topic driven by the pandemic and Air Pollution.

"We look forward to turning Städet into one of the most advanced and sophisticated office buildings in Scandinavia. With Covid-19, we got another piece of evidence of why we need to ensure safe indoor air quality. The optimization by Sally R will be a key feature of this project and the projected energy savings comes right on time with rising energy prices"
Per Tängerstad, Partner, CapMan Real Estate

The agreement with Capman and the collaboration with Netmore shows that the potential of connected buildings is not a future scenario and unclear use cases, but rather existing technology and applications that can create substantial value for real estate owners.

In Städet, Capman will be able to control all aspects of their indoor climate, with data coming from IoT sensors, while at the same time heavily reducing their CO2footprint. This will be delivered in a scalable proptech solution that can leverage the whole spectrum of IoT and smart building technology.

"Städet in Häggvik has great potential to improve asset management, net operating income and customer experience through smart digitalization solutions. We start the project with the implementation of a smart ventilation solution from Sally-R that both improves air quality and reduces energy consumption, before moving forward with other value-creating applications."
Mattias Averup, Chef Digital Fastighetsutveckling, Netmore

Going forward, Sally R and Netmore can offer the Real Estate Industry a comprehensive solution ranging from new digital infrastructure (LoRaWAN, 5G) to a fully integrated optimization service taking control of the indoor climate.

With the help from Netmore’s Proptech Node, controlling existing system as well as pulling data from multiple IAQ-sensors using LoRaWAN, Sally R can optimize the existing HVAC in a very scalable way. Always making sure that IAQ-targets are reached by using the least energy-consuming alternative.

"The future of real estate technology is spelled connected buildings and smart services that can be easily added and quickly create value for the customer. Through Netmore's scalable Proptech platform, IoT can collaborate with our optimization service to provide a better indoor climate to a lower energy consumption in Städet."

Erik Vallgårda, Business Area Manager Smart Buildings, Sally R

Relaterade länkar


  • Energifrågor

Sally R är ett svenskt cleantech-företag som med hjälp av rymdteknik utvecklar smart ventilations- och luftbehandlingsteknik för kommersiella fastighetsbyggnader. Detta för att säkra ett hälsosamt inomhusklimat med god luftkvalitet till lägsta möjliga energiförbrukning. Sally Rs vision är att alla ska andas bra luft.


Fredrik Tunberg

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