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Sally R wins Sustainability Challenge arranged by EDGE Technologies and Vattenfall

63 companies from 12 different countries participated in the challenge to propose their novel solutions for Vattenfall’s new head office in Berlin.

Sally R was awarded the win by outlining how the company’s carbon capture technology could be implemented in the new building.

In April 2021, the project developer EDGE and the energy company Vattenfall started the international sustainability challenge for creative minds and startups in cooperation with Urban Impact. With the aim of promoting innovative solutions that support the sustainable and innovative mindset of EDGE Suedkreuz Berlin, the largest wood hybrid building in Germany. In the near future 1,600 employees of the energy company will work in Vattenfall’s new German headquarters. The finalists’ task was to develop new tech solutions that would motivate and sensitize employees, the building and its surroundings to sustainable behaviour during the operating phase.

The CO2-capturing technology is the second product being commercialized by Sally R. It creates an interesting supplement to the cloud-based optimization service (launched in 2019) , which commercial real estate use to optimize their ventilation systems. The two products are part of Sally R’s concept for making buildings less dependent of the outside air and, in the long run, carbon-negative.

“The carbon capture technology, which we’ve been developing during the last 2.5 years, now gets a kick-start by us winning this challenge. The patent pending technology allows buildings to capture CO2 from its ventilation system, which creates numerous possibilities for ramping up energy efficiency and implementing circular economy concerning indoor air” – says Fredrik Tunberg, CEO of Sally R

The proposed solution for Vattenfall’s new head office will now be checked for feasibility together with mentors and experts. If successful, the implementation phase will start during the summer of 2021. The project is worth up to € 100,000.


  • Energifrågor


  • energysavings
  • carbon capture
  • hvac
  • circular economy
  • breathe good air

Sally R är ett svenskt cleantech-företag som med hjälp av rymdteknik utvecklar smart ventilations- och luftbehandlingsteknik för kommersiella fastighetsbyggnader. Detta för att säkra ett hälsosamt inomhusklimat med god luftkvalitet till lägsta möjliga energiförbrukning. Sally Rs vision är att alla ska andas bra luft.


Fredrik Tunberg

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