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The first children have been vaccinated in Scandinavian Biopharma's large Phase IIb study in The Gambia

The first children have been vaccinated in Scandinavian Biopharma's large Phase IIb study in The Gambia

The first child has been vaccinated in The Gambia with the company's ETEC vaccine candidate, ETVAX®. It is a randomised, placebo-controlled, and double-blind phase IIb study. The study will include about 5,000 children aged 6-23 months. The overall goal of the study is to investigate the protective effect against moderate to severe diarrhoea caused by ETEC over a 1- to 2-year period.

Scandinavian Biopharma announces the last follow up visit in the phase IIB clinical trial with ETVAX® in Finnish travellers to Benin

Scandinavian Biopharma announces the last follow up visit in the phase IIB clinical trial with ETVAX® in Finnish travellers to Benin

In record time we completed a phase IIB randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in Finnish travellers going to West Africa. In total 743 travellers spent a fortnight in Benin. Half of the group were given the ETEC vaccine candidate, ETVAX®, and the other half placebo. The aim of the study was to evaluate safety and estimate the protective efficacy in a naive population.

Vi är ett forskningsbaserat biotechföretag fast beslutna att ge människor i hela världen ett längre och bättre liv.

Vi utvecklar det första vaccinet i världen mot diarré orsakad av ETEC för att skydda både barn och vuxna i endemiska länder och resenärer till högriskdestinationer.

Vi distribuerar ett brett sortiment av biologiska specialistläkemedel med fokus på vacciner och immunglobuliner.


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Scandinavian biopharma

Industrivägen 1, vån 4
171 48 Solna