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EV Plug Alliance announces new members
Gewiss, Marechal Electric, Radiall, Vimar, Weidmüller France & Yazaki Europe join the Alliance formed by Legrand, Scame & Schneider Electric to promote high safety plug and socket solution for Electric Vehicle infrastructure
The EV Plug Alliance announced today the joining of Gewiss, Marechal Electric, Radiall, Vimar, Weidmüller France & Yazaki Europe. Established end march 2010 by Schneider Electric, Legrand & Scame, the EV Plug Alliance aims to promote the use of a high safety plug and socket solution for Electric Vehicle charge infrastructure.
This first extension of the EV Plug Alliance with members from several countries and various business backgrounds confirms the validity of the proposal made by the Alliance to rapidly converge towards a standardized solution to connect Electric Vehicles in Europe. New members will contribute to the creation of an eco-system with one strong standard, accelerating development and adoption of solutions and practical applications to revolutionize the Electric Vehicle charge.
On May 10, 2010, already, Gimélec announced its support to the EV Plug Alliance, explaining this proposal of convergence reconciles the interests of all participants, users and manufacturers thus allowing the best usage of technologies offered by the different European companies, in full compliance with applicable norms and standards in Europe.
Installed on the infrastructure side, the plug and socket system endorsed by the Alliance will ensure compatibility between multiple suppliers' products. Charge at a power up to 24 kW, in mono or three phase installations, will allow charging electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. It will offer the highest level of safety with the use of shutters to protect against accidental touch of electric parts and is fully compliant with the IEC standard for plug & socket in finalization.
The first products labeled by the EV Plug Alliance are planned to be available at the end of second quarter 2010.
- Miljö, energi
- schneider electric
- ev plug alliance
Om Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric är en global energispecialist med 100 000 anställda och verksamhet i mer än 100 länder. Företaget har ett starkt fokus på energieffektivisering och erbjuder integrerade lösningar för industriell automation, fastighetsautomation, avbrottsfri kraft, eldistribution och elinstallation. Schneider Electric möjliggör säker, pålitlig och effektiv energiförsörjning för kunder i alla branscher. Schneider Electric är noterat på den franska fondbörsen i Paris och 2009 uppgick försäljningen till drygt 15,8 miljarder Euro. I Sverige sysselsätter koncernen knappt 2 000 personer. I den svenska företagsstrukturen ingår även APC, specialist inom avbrottsfri kraft, och Wibe, marknadsledande inom kabelförläggning. Läs mer på: