Pressmeddelande -
Ny unik optisk Mikrofon
Sennheiser MO 2000 är en helt unik optisk mikrofon som är tillverkad helt i plast. Signalen transporteras via optisk fiber. Mikrofonen är okänslig för vätskor och den är inte magnetisk. Det gör att den kan användas utomhus under längre tid, i korrosiva eller explosiva miljöer, i magnetröntegenkameror, i EMC-känslig mätutrustning och för underrättelseverksamhet då den inte kan detekteras.
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The Sennheiser Group, with its headquarters in Wedemark near Hanover, Germany, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of microphones, headphones and wireless transmission systems. The family-owned company, which was established in 1945, recorded sales of over €395 million in 2007, 83% of which were generated abroad. Sennheiser employs almost 2,000 people worldwide, around 55% of whom are in Germany. Sennheiser has manufacturing plants in Germany, Ireland and the USA, and is represented worldwide by subsidiaries in France, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark (Nordic), Russia, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Japan, China, Canada, Mexico and the USA, as well as by long-term trading partners in many other countries. Also part of the Sennheiser Group are Georg Neumann GmbH, Berlin (studio microphones), K + H Vertriebs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (Klein + Hummel studio monitors, installed sound) and the joint venture Sennheiser Communications A/S (headsets for PCs, offices and call centres).
- Konst, kultur, underhållning
- övervakningsystem
- mo 2000
- sennheiser
- mikrofon
- optisk mikrofon
- MO 2000 optisk mikrofon