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Pressinbjudan: Development Talks - Reclaim the results!

Hur ska vi undvika meningslöst mätande av biståndet och istället ägna oss åt lärande och ständiga förbättringar? Och är det så att livsviktigt bistånd inte blir av – just för att det är svårt att mäta?

Det starka fokuset på mätning och rapportering av resultat är en de hetaste och mest debatterade frågorna inom utvecklingsbiståndet idag. Kritiker menar att mätning tar tid och resurser från själva insatserna och att man tvingas hålla sig till utdaterade och rigida planer. Fokuset på rapportering kan äventyra det lokala ägarskapet och det är bara projekt som går att mäta som får pengar och genomförs.

På Sida ser vi också de problem ett överdrivet fokus på mätning och rapportering ger – samtidigt är resultatstyrning viktigt för att hela tiden lära sig och förbättra verksamheten. Sida kommer därför att öka sin satsning på resultatstyrning inom biståndet, men det måste göras på rätt sätt.

För att diskutera och öka kunskapen om hur resultatstyrning fungerar i praktiken och kan tillämpas på ett meningsfullt sätt bjuder vi in till årets första Development Talks. Förmiddagens föreläsningar och panel följs av workshops som ni också är välkomna att delta i.

Datum: Onsdag, 14 Februari, 2018
Tid: 09:00-12:00 (Registrering från 08:30), 13:00-15:00
Var: Sida, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm

Länk till hur Sida arbetar med resultatstyrning:



Reclaim the results!

The strong focus on measuring and reporting results in development cooperation has long been a target for debate and criticism.

Many problems have been highlighted: the striving to count the uncountable takes time from operations and it's only the things that can be measured that get done.

Others criticise the need to stick to rigid and sometimes irrelevant plans. Yet another criticism is that donors' push for results-based management has eroded the local ownership.

Sida recognizes these problems and what has been referred to as an 'obsessive measurement disorder'. Our approach is therefore to increase our focus on results-based management.

Why results-based management?

We see results-based management (RBM) as an approach that aims to maximize achievements by continuously learning from both success and failure, while making adaptations based on the lessons learned.

Sida has learnt that we need to clarify our view and requirements on results-based management. It shouldn't be misinterpreted as a method for meaningless measurements but used as an approach for learning and adaptations.

Welcome to a Development Talks aiming at clarifying Sida's view on results-based management and exploring how we jointly can apply it in a meaningful way.

The Development Talks will be followed by hands-on workshops 13:00-15:00 focusing on how results-based management can be applied in practice.

The panel discussion will include time for questions from the audience. Please send your burning questions on the subject to by February 12, 2018.


08:30 Registration and coffee

09:00 Welcome and introduction
Josh Lenn, Transformational Coach, It's Communications

09:05 Sida's view on results-based management
Carin Jämtin, Director General, Sida

09:15 How can results-based management be applied as an approach for learning and adaptation?
Rebecka Kitzing Ivarsson, Senior Advisor RBM, Sida
Nisar Nizamani, Director, DevCon, Pakistan
Mikael Leyi, Head of the International Department, Olof Palme International Center
Annika Palo, Senior Policy Specialist, Sida
Lennart Peck, RBM specialist, Department for International Development Cooperation, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs

10:15 Coffee break

10.45 Panel discussion
Why did the problems with results-based management evolve? How can we promote an approach for learning and adaptation and avoid meaningless measurements?
Göran Holmqvist, Head of Asia, Middle East and Humanitarian Assistance, Sida
Ulrika Modéer, State Secretary to the Minister for International Development Cooperation, Sweden
Philip Smith, Capacity Development Advisor, Swedish Mission Council
Cathy Shutt, Independent Consultant
Kari Örtengren, Expert on practical and efficient use of RBM

11:45 Concluding remarks
Rebecka Kitzing Ivarsson, Senior Advisor RBM, Sida

12:00 End of Development Talks

13.00-15.00 Parallel hands-on workshops

Workshop 1: How to create a dialogue between cooperation partners and Sida that promotes learning and adaptation?

Catarina Nilsson, Sida, Josh Lenn and Katarina Wahlberg, It's Communications

One can agree that a trustful, clear and respectful dialogue is crucial for learning and adaptation in development cooperation. But how is it actually done? During this workshop, you will get the opportunity to practice how to discuss results-related issues with a Sida manager/cooperation partner in a role-play setting. Take the opportunity to practice and improve your dialogue skills with an actor who can highlight potential challenges and get valuable feedback from workshop participants.

Target group: Sida's cooperation partners and Sida staff

Workshop 2: How to fall in love with Really Simple Reporting by using ICT for monitoring, evaluation, learning and reporting?

Johan Hellström, Sida, Kerstin Borglin and David Silva, Spider, Anthony Gonzalez, Akvo

Did someone say results based management is tricky and dull? Come and find out how to make it simple, transparent and useful for your partners and your organisation! We will give you a hands-on experience of SPIDER's result based management implementation of the tool RSR - Really Simple Reporting.

Target group: Open for all.

Workshop 3: How to transform your organisation by moving from rigid results frameworks to adaptive management?

Lisa Curman, Sida, Adam Weiss, European Roma Rights Centre, ERRC

The Sida partner organisation ERRC is a Roma-led organisation that combats discrimination against Romani people in Europe by empowering Roma to assert their rights. The ERRC will share the way they transformed their approach to their work by applying RBM in a fairly complex setting: across multiple countries in Europe and in work including strategic litigation, advocacy with national and international authorities, online communications, and research. Framing theories of change around this work and monitoring and updating those theories of change dynamically re-energised their international team and fundamentally altered the way they work. Learn how they adaptively apply RBM methods to work in the area of access to justice and human rights.

Target group: Open for all

Workshop 4: How can Sida's cooperation partners get support to apply RBM in a more meaningful way?

Information on Sida's framework agreement regarding consultancy services for Results-based Management

Rebecka Kitzing Ivarsson, Sida and representatives of AIMS, Associates for International Management Service, Inc., FCG Swedish Development AB, NCG - Nordic Consulting Group Sweden AB and Niras Sweden AB

The framework agreement on results-based management is aimed at providing Sida's cooperation partners with concrete assistance as relates to developing routines, tools and methods for results-based management. A wide range of assignments can be called off – e.g. support to clarify a theory of change, elaboration of monitoring method including identification of appropriate indicators, continuous coaching in how to apply RBM and support to organisational change in order to foster a more results-oriented culture. During the workshop, you will get to know the consultancy companies and their services.

Target group: Sida's cooperation partners and Sida staff.

Workshop 5: How to use real time evaluation?

Joakim Molander, Sida

Real time evaluation and developmental evaluation are new approaches to evaluation, where the evaluation process starts at the outset of a project and continuously assesses outcomes. Data, conclusions and recommendations are shared with the project management and other intended users e.g. every three, six or twelve months for reflexion, learning and adaptation. In this session, we will share experiences and discuss opportunities and challenges with these approaches to evaluation.

Target group: Open for all


  • Bistånd

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Sida är Sveriges biståndsmyndighet och arbetar för att människor som lever i fattigdom själva ska kunna förbättra sina levnadsvillkor.


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