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Jenny Mjösberg, immunologist at Karolinska Institutet who has previously been awarded a grant from SSMF.
Jenny Mjösberg, immunologist at Karolinska Institutet who has previously been awarded a grant from SSMF.

Nyhet -

SSMF launches a new post-doctoral grant

In order to provide young medical researchers with greater security and better conditions, the Swedish Society for Medical Research (Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning, SSMF) is now offering an attractive new grant for post-doctoral studies.

The grant replaces the previous scholarship and the period has also been extended from two to three years.

The launch of SSMF's new post-doctoral grant is welcomed by researchers in Sweden

- I think this will be very well received. It is recognition for a category of personnel that take on a lot of the work in the research carried out”, says immunologist Jenny Mjösberg, who has previously been awarded a grant from SSMF and is currently leading a successful research team at Karolinska Institutet.

Over the years, large numbers of medical researchers have begun their scientific careers thanks to post-doctoral scholarships from the Swedish Society for Medical Research, which has been a highly appreciated form of funding for a long time. However, as the conditions for careers in research have changed, with more regulated working and employment conditions, including at doctoral level, SSMF has identified a need for its financial support to be adapted to the promising young researchers who carry on after being awarded their doctorates, so that their further research assignments provide insurance cover and are pensionable.

- For SSMF, it is important that we provide the researchers we support with the best possible conditions for conducting medical research. That includes a comfortable, secure situation as far as social matters are concerned", says Mats Ulfendahl, Chairperson of the Swedish Society for Medical Research.

However, regulations on employment at higher education institutions are complex and in some cases a longer period of employment during the post-doctoral period may make it more difficult to obtain employment on the next rung of the career ladder. For that reason, SSMF has responded to the large number of requests by allowing the scholarship option to remain in place until further notice for applicants who want it.

One other new feature of SSMF's post-doctoral grant is the extension of the funding period from two years to three in order to provide newly-qualified PhD researchers with greater opportunities to develop and find their own research focus, which may well be abroad.

- The period immediately after someone is awarded a doctorate is extremely important for his or her future research career. That is when he or she lays the foundation for becoming an independent researcher," says Mats Ulfendahl, Chairperson of SSMF.

- Longer grant periods allow a breathing space and continuity and increase the chance of greater research breakthroughs”, agrees researcher Jenny Mjösberg.

The new post-doctoral grant makes it even more attractive for young medical researchers in Sweden to apply for support from SSMF, which in the long run leads to more scientific discoveries, better care and new treatments.

- SSMF has a hundred years’ experience of supporting Swedish medical research and if we are to be a significant private research funding body in the future, it is of the utmost importance that our support should have the greatest possible impact", says Mats Ulfendahl, Chairperson of SSMF.

The application period runs from 15 October to 15 November.

More about the grant, eligibility requirements and applications:





Anna-Karin Andersson

Anna-Karin Andersson

Presskontakt Marknads- och kommunikationsansvarig 070-278 43 72

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