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Sting's new cohort for spring 2025

10 breakthrough startups join Sting to transform AI, health tech, and climate tech

Ten startups have joined Sting, Sweden’s top incubator, to address challenges in AI, health tech, and climate tech. This spring’s cohort focuses on AI-driven workforce planning, MedTech compliance, sustainable food, composite recycling, and electric vehicles. They’ll receive coaching, investor access, and support to accelerate growth and impact.

The Parsd Team – David Olgart, Alexandra Kafka Larsson and Håkan Ståby

AI-startupen Parsd säkrar första kunden

Stockholm, Sverige – 20 december 2024. (Översatt från engelska, 9 januari 2025.) Parsd, en svensk AI-startup, tecknar avtal med sin första kund och integrerar sin AI-baserade digitala analysplattform i ett pilotprojekt på Försvarshögskolan.
Förutom att leverera den digitala analysplattformen kommer Parsd att ge råd till lärare, forskare och studenter som deltar i pilotprojektet. Projektets mål

Sting breddar sitt ekosystem med åtta innovativa startups denna vår

Sting breddar sitt ekosystem med åtta innovativa startups denna vår

Sting breddar sitt ekosystem med åtta innovativa startups denna vår
Denna vår välkomnar Sting åtta startups som står redo att omdefiniera områden såsom musikteknologi, grön energi och nya lärandemetoder (tänk nya sätt hur musiker skapar och tjänar pengar på sin konst, banbrytande framsteg inom hållbar energi och AI-drivna lärandeupplevelser). Varje startup presenterar en unik lösning, vilket be

Sting och RISE Utvidgar Sitt Strategiska Samarbete för Att Främja ClimateTech-lösningar

För att möta de stora klimatutmaningarna har Sting och RISE förenat sina krafter för att stödja innovationssektorn, där startupföretag spelar en viktig roll i att ta itu med akuta klimatutmaningar. Med tanke på brådskan, som förstärkts av rapporter publicerade under COP28, syftar detta samarbete till att ge omfattande stöd till ClimateTech-företag för att påskynda deras framgång.
"Detta partner

Hyggligt revolutionerar skogsbruket med "Hyggligtmedtoden" - en innovativ techlösning.

Hyggligt revolutionerar skogsbruket med "Hyggligtmedtoden" - en innovativ techlösning.

Hyggligt, ett innovativt startupföretag inom hyggesfritt skogsbruk, har framgångsrikt genomfört sin första avverkning med Hyggligtmetoden. Denna metod, en datadriven precisionsavverkning genom plockhuggning, kan revolutionera det hyggesfria skogsbruket. Avverkningen genomfördes åt Hyggligts pilotkund i Östhammar och inleddes under den sista veckan i november.
Hyggligtmetoden använder laserdata,

19 nya Stingbolag antagna till höstens inkubator och accelerator.

Innovativa klimatlösningar på agendan när 19 techstartups antas av Sting

Klimatsmarta lösningar för ett hyggesfritt skogsbruk, innovativ växtbaserad ost och mjukvaror som hjälper energiföretag att öka vinsten och minska riskerna i sin handel med förnybar energi. Det är några av de 19 innovativa lösningar som finns med i höstens omgång av Stings startup-program Accelerate, Incubate, Incubate DeepTech och Accelerate ClimateTech.

Sociala medier

🥳 Wohooooo! Let's celebrate🎉👏
We are so honored to win not only the award as Best Accelator/Incubator in the Nordics but also the People's Choice🏆 Thank you all for voting for us!

And our own hero Henna Keränen won the award for Ecosystem Hero of the Year 🎇

Since the start in 2002, we have coached more than 300 companies and we believe we make a real difference by helping and accelerate new promising startups.

We also want to congratulate our friends at @icebreakervc for winning Investor of the Year, and Sting company ReOrbit for winning Newcomer of the Year in Finland!

Finally, thank you @nordic.startup.awards for putting a spotlight on this powerful ecosystem and the incredible people in it.

🥳 Wohooooo! Let's celebrate🎉👏 We are so honored to win not only the award as Best Accelator/Incubator in the Nordics but also the People's Choice🏆 Thank you all for voting for us! And our own hero Henna Keränen won the award for Ecosystem Hero of the Year 🎇 Since the start in 2002, we have coached more than 300 companies and we believe we make a real difference by helping and accelerate new promising startups. We also want to congratulate our friends at @icebreakervc for winning Investor of the Year, and Sting company ReOrbit for winning Newcomer of the Year in Finland! Finally, thank you @nordic.startup.awards for putting a spotlight on this powerful ecosystem and the incredible people in it.

It’s a wrap!
Yesterday, the Startup Climate Action culminated with these 19 finalists pitching at Test Drive Grand Finale to a power-house jury. We’re so proud of these 19 teams that have passed all three phases of #StartupClimateAction which started in June with an Open Innovation Challenge attracting more than 1000 registrations. A big kudos to each of you for all the efforts during these past five and half months. ❤
An extra shout-out to the winners of Test Drive – @skrym.air for winning the first prize and getting an automatic spot at the brand-new accelerator program focusing on climate change. Huge congratulation – we can’t wait to start working with you! Also, big congrats to the two runners-ups @retrofit_se and Cling Systems for automatically securing a spot at the pitch-finals for the accelerator program. All these three teams will also get a membership at the number 1. house for impact startups – @norrskenfoundation Norrsken. A big thank you to our partner in crime Norrsken for the great collaboration! Did we already mentioned that we also awarded People’s Choice? Congrats @penaka.solar 🙌
Psst. There are five spots left at the brand-new Climate Accelerator. Become one of the chosen few and apply now! Applications close on 1 December. 👉Apply on sting.co

It’s a wrap! Yesterday, the Startup Climate Action culminated with these 19 finalists pitching at Test Drive Grand Finale to a power-house jury. We’re so proud of these 19 teams that have passed all three phases of #StartupClimateAction which started in June with an Open Innovation Challenge attracting more than 1000 registrations. A big kudos to each of you for all the efforts during these past five and half months. ❤ An extra shout-out to the winners of Test Drive – @skrym.air for winning the first prize and getting an automatic spot at the brand-new accelerator program focusing on climate change. Huge congratulation – we can’t wait to start working with you! Also, big congrats to the two runners-ups @retrofit_se and Cling Systems for automatically securing a spot at the pitch-finals for the accelerator program. All these three teams will also get a membership at the number 1. house for impact startups – @norrskenfoundation Norrsken. A big thank you to our partner in crime Norrsken for the great collaboration! Did we already mentioned that we also awarded People’s Choice? Congrats @penaka.solar 🙌 Psst. There are five spots left at the brand-new Climate Accelerator. Become one of the chosen few and apply now! Applications close on 1 December. 👉Apply on sting.co

Say hello to another of our amazing companies👋 @bizzcoo 

Let’s hear how the idea for Bizzcoo was born?
"Our founders have been working within the consulting industry for many years. Both as sellers and buyers, as well as consultants and employees within their own business. During these years, they realised a lack of system support for all the related consulting business areas, and decided to solve this. Bizzcoo was started. They are the Salesforce for the consulting industry."

🚀 Do you have a startup role model?
"We learn and get inspired by different companies as well as people. 
There is a lot to learn from different perspectives. Both from culture 
and values, to business models and techniques. And we mix that with our 
own experiences."

✅ What is your next milestone?
"We are thrilled to design our resource planning tool together with our 
customers. To have control of what your forecast and control of when 
your consultants agreements ends is a key factor for budget planning and 
also on a larger scale – to know exactly where the company is, what to 
focus on and the consultants can see the plans for them. Transparancy is 

Say hello to another of our amazing companies👋 @bizzcoo Let’s hear how the idea for Bizzcoo was born? "Our founders have been working within the consulting industry for many years. Both as sellers and buyers, as well as consultants and employees within their own business. During these years, they realised a lack of system support for all the related consulting business areas, and decided to solve this. Bizzcoo was started. They are the Salesforce for the consulting industry." 🚀 Do you have a startup role model? "We learn and get inspired by different companies as well as people. There is a lot to learn from different perspectives. Both from culture and values, to business models and techniques. And we mix that with our own experiences." ✅ What is your next milestone? "We are thrilled to design our resource planning tool together with our customers. To have control of what your forecast and control of when your consultants agreements ends is a key factor for budget planning and also on a larger scale – to know exactly where the company is, what to focus on and the consultants can see the plans for them. Transparancy is key!"

📣 One day left! Startups - apply to Sting Accelerate to boost your growth! 

This is for companies with a launched product or service that are looking to scale. You can get a SEK 500.000 investment from Propel Capital and 4 months of intense coaching.

Together with our partners, we provide you with the right people and resources to grow your business. You will have the knowledge of a serial entrepreneur at your fingertips!

🌱 Get ready to grow with us! Apply to Sting Accelerate before midnight tomorrow. https://sting.co/program/accelerate/

📣 One day left! Startups - apply to Sting Accelerate to boost your growth! This is for companies with a launched product or service that are looking to scale. You can get a SEK 500.000 investment from Propel Capital and 4 months of intense coaching. Together with our partners, we provide you with the right people and resources to grow your business. You will have the knowledge of a serial entrepreneur at your fingertips! 🌱 Get ready to grow with us! Apply to Sting Accelerate before midnight tomorrow. https://sting.co/program/accelerate/


Krim Talia

Krim Talia

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Sting (Stockholm Innovation & Growth) - Nå dina mål snabbare

Sting – utnämnd till världens bästa inkubator och accelerator 2021 – hjälper entreprenörer att utveckla sina affärsidéer till framgångsrika, internationella tillväxtföretag i världsklass. Det görs genom att erbjuda inkubator- och accelerator-program där affärsutvecklingsstöd och hjälp med rekrytering, finansiering och nätverk ingår.

Sedan starten 2002 har Sting hjälpt 400+ startups och 70 procent av bolagen utvecklas och växer än idag. Under 2022 samlade Sting-bolagen in totalt 1,4 miljarder kronor i privat kapital och sysselsatte 3200 människor. Sting är medgrundare till SUP46, THINGS, Ignite Sweden, Sweden Sustaintech Venture Day, Luminar Ventures och Propel Capital.

Några framgångsrika Sting-bolag är Yubico, Sellpy, Airmee, Surfcleaner, Midsummer, Worldfavor, Skrym och Karma.

Sting (Stockholm Innovation & Growth)

c/o A house, Östermalmsgatan 26A
114 26 Stockholm