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DOCH 1963 – 2013

The University of Dance and Circus is celebrating 50 years as a hold for artistic education and research!

November 22nd DOCH will celebrate its 50th anniversary by inviting the public to see, listen and interact with students, teachers, researchers and invited guests. The doors of the DOCHs premises will be open between 10am and 6pm and a diverse range of activities will take place throughout the whole building. The visitors will have the opportunity to mingle with DOCHs 200 students from 19 different countries and with teachers of choreography, circus, dance and dance pedagogy. There will also be invited artists and researchers sharing their knowledge as well as politicians and others debating the role of art in the contemporary society.

The aim of the day is to manifest what DOCH is today and what DOCH is heading for in the future. During the day the DOCH will present its radical approach to dance and circus education emphasizing the students’ development as independent artists alongside advanced technical and academic skills in close collaboration with research.

“Let us join in celebration of this fifty-year jubilee. We do this with an ever so strong voice for art and the importance and the challenges of artistic education and research, both in today’s society and in the future.” says Efva Lilja Vice-Chancellor of DOCH

The celebration will take place at Brinellvägen 58, KTH Campus. Representatives of the press are invited to join the celebration with programmes between 10 am and 6 pm.

DOCH is the only educational institution of its kind for dance and circus in Sweden's system of higher education. This prestigious institution has sole responsibility for instructing an expanding student body in a broad range of circus- and dance-related fields: Choreography, Circus, Dance Pedagogy and Dance Performance. DOCH is also the place for those who are already in the profession and want to expand their competence. It is a dynamic and creative environment where art and research go hand in hand. At DOCH the tradition is challenged by innovation and experiment. It is a meeting place for art, pedagogy and science, old and new theoretical concepts. Popular traditions gain new meaning and new artistic careers develop to change our ideas about what is known.

Would you like to learn more about DOCHs approach to education and artistic research please contact Efva Lilja, Vice-Chancellor
+46 704 88 87 12

Are you interested to learn more about DOCHs Circus Department please contact Walter Ferrero, Head of Circus Department
+46 8 562 274 51

Are you interested to learn more about DOCHs Dance Department please contact Cecilia Roos, Head of Dance Department
+46 8 562 274 68

Are you interested to learn more about DOCHs Dance Pedagogy Department please contact Petra Frank, Head of Dance Pedagogy Department
+46 8 562 274 66

For other enquiries and picture requests please contact Tove Hellkvist, PR Manager
+46 707 77 40 49

The Circus Department: Bachelor Programme in Circus, Master Programme in New Performative Practices, PhD programme and free standing courses.

The Dance Department: Bachelor Programme in Dance Performance, Master Programme in Choreography, Master Programme in New Performative Practices, PhD programme and free standing courses.

The Dance Pedagogy Department: Bachelor Programme in Dance Pedagogy, Teacher Education Programme in Dance - in Upper Secondary Education, Teacher Education Programme in dance, Supplementary Study Programme Master Programme in Contempory Dance Didactics, PhD programme and free standing courses.





Monica Engdahl

Monica Engdahl

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 08-49 400 230
Åsa Edenroth

Åsa Edenroth

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 08-49 400 232
Magdalena Marklund

Magdalena Marklund

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 08-49 400 552
Helle Zimmerman

Helle Zimmerman

Presskontakt Kommunikatör Forskning 08-49 400 228
Heidi Lene Möller

Heidi Lene Möller

Presskontakt Kommunikatör Forskning och tidskriften VIS Journal 08-49 400 242
Johan Palme

Johan Palme

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 08-49 400 239

En ledande internationell miljö för konstnärlig utbildning och forskning.

Stockholms konstnärliga högskola (SKH) utbildar och forskar inom cirkus, dans, danspedagogik, film och media, opera och teater. Högskolan har cirka 500 studenter och 200 medarbetare.

Stockholms konstnärliga högskola

Valhallavägen 189
115 53 Stockholm